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We arrive at Hogwarts around 4 pm and make our way up to the castle with our belongings. I keep thinking about that party Malfoy and Zabini were talking about, and I hate to admit it, but it's not a half-bad idea.

We've never had that kind of party with people from all houses before... it sounds quite fun to mix and mingle, especially at night.

Our big group is walking up to the entrance of the castle when George looks over, scoffs, and smiles just a bit.

"Oi! Jordan!" he calls out. 

I glance over to notice Lee leaning against the wall while talking to another Gryffindor girl. He turns his head at George's voice and smiles as he eyes our group.

He appears to say goodbye to the girl and walks over to us, hands in his pockets and a casual stride in his step.

"Apologies, didn't mean to ditch you lot, just wanted to catch up with a few folks," he says, grinning. 

"I see you're already back to smooth-talking the ladies," George teases, his eyes flicking over to where Lee was chatting with the girl.

Lee rolls his eyes and smirks. "Sure, sure, you know me... practically, uh, practically have to beat 'em off with a stick when they're around." 

We all laugh before heading inside the castle, groups of chatting students alongside us as we make our way towards the staircases.

We arrive at the Gryffindor portrait hole and after receiving the new password, head inside. Hermione, Ginny and I heave our stuff upstairs to the dorm and begin unpacking. We've got a couple hours before dinner in the Hall, so we decide to play a game with the whole group to pass the time.

At around 6 pm, I'm headed down the first floor corridor to the Great Hall with Ginny and Hermione at my side when I spot Snape walking to the entrance as well.

"Hey, I'll meet you guys in there," I tell the girls, at which they nod and proceed into the Hall. I make my way through the stream of students around me towards my Professor and finally reach his side.

"Professor?" I speak up. He turns to look at me.

"Ah, Miss Baker," he greets with a nod as we pause walking to speak. "Have a good break?"

"Yes, very much so," I reply politely. "I just wanted to let you know that I received your letter."

He cocks an eyebrow. "I see..."

"And I'm here to tell you that- well, that I'm in."

He looks at my smiling expression and a very slight upturn of his own lips appears on his face. He clears his throat before responding.

"Good. Glad to hear it," he replies. "I suggest you inform Professor Slughorn so he may give you the details, at your earliest convenance."

"Of course, Sir," I nod.

"Now off to dinner," he says, motioning to the Great Hall where noisy students are flooding into the entrance way. "Good to see you, of course."

"You as well, Professor," I reply with a smile, but then remember to say one more thing. "Oh, and... thank you very much for this opportunity. You've been such a big help."

He nods and pats my shoulder before I turn around to enter the Hall with a funny feeling of excitement.

I walk up to the group at the Gryffindor table and slip into a seat next to Freddie, all seven of my closest friends already engaged in conversation as the Great Hall students wait for Dumbledore's speech. 

Isn't He Lovely • A Fred Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now