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The Great Hall grows silent as Dumbledore approaches the podium. He clears his throat before his voice bellows throughout the room.

"I welcome you all tonight, and congratulate you on the start of your new year," he begins. "Whether you are a first year, excited to be seated within these unfamiliar walls, or a near adult, ready to begin your final months at this school-"

I turn my head to briefly give Fred a grin, at which he wiggles his eyebrows mischievously.

"-I assure you that your days at Hogwarts will be most memorable. Now, before we begin our feast, the sorting ceremony shall take place in order to determine the first years' houses."

I've always loved the sorting ceremony; watching the little kids' faces light up as they excitedly run over to their table is such a treat.

The ceremony breezed by quickly, this group of first years' houses being determined surprisingly fast. After all of the students have giddily sat down at their new tables, Dumbledore stood at the podium once more, coiling his hands around the sides of the stand and scanning his eyes across the Hall. 

"Congratulations to all of the new students. May you bring your house pride. Now, let the feast begin!"

At Dumbledore's last words, we turn back to the table to see the plates becoming immediately filled with full sized chickens, potatoes, peas, corn, fresh bread, and much more. Lots of chatter arises at the brilliant sight, students immediately digging in and talking with one another excitedly.

"So, what are everyone's schedules like?" Lee pipes up, looking around at the group as we all pile our plates.

"I know I've got Herbology first period on most days," George replies while pouring himself a glass of water. "I've got to check my other classes tonight."

"That'll be nice, to get a walk outside in the morning," Hermione pipes up, and George shrugs, scrunching his nose in disagreement.

"I'd prefer History of Magic first, actually," he says, which makes Fred scoff.

"You would rather have History of Magic first thing in the morning, George?" he asks, dumbfounded. "I swear, I'm always half awake in that class."

"It means I can get it over with," George replies bluntly, and we all laugh in agreement.

"Well, I've got Defense Against the Dark Arts as my first period three out of the five days, so starting off with Snape is going to be quite interesting," I say, swiftly spreading butter onto a roll.

"No way!" Harry exclaims. "Ron, Hermione and I are gonna be with you, then."

I look up at them and smile. "That'll be great! But for Pete's sake, how do you three end up in so many classes together each year?"

They all look at each other and shrug, Ron chuckling. "Probably not the best idea on the teachers' parts."

The feast is delicious, and we're all stuffed by the time Dumbledore urges all students to head to bed. The group and I continue to chat as we walk down the halls along with crowds of students, heading up towards the Gryffindor chambers. I can't wait to relax by the fire tonight after a day of travel.

We make our way up the moving staircases and finally arrive at the Fat Lady's portrait. The huddled crowd of Gryffindors gather round the painting before I hear Hermione's voice from behind me, barely sounding above the chattering group of students. 

"Excuse me... 'scuse me... pardon me..." she's mumbling as she parts her way through the crowd.

I watch as she positions herself in the center of the large group, taking a breath. I had completely forgotten that Hermione sent me a letter this summer telling me she and Ron had been chosen as prefects. I was quite happy for Hermione, but rather shocked about Ron... he's far from someone I'd believe would want to be a Gryffindor prefect. 

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