l o n g i n g

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~ NOTE: if you notice how I'm going faster throughout the school year, it's because I want you guys to get Fred content. This is a Fred story after all. So I'll be skipping ahead a lot for y'all!

~ DISCLAIMER: sexual material.


The following morning I'm walking down the steps to the common room when I hear an excited boy's voice. 

"Nice going, O'Malley!" 

I step into the room to see the usual scattered Gryffindors around me, but notice the source of the enthusiastic voice coming from a fourth year who's slapping Connor O'Malley on the back as they stand in front of the announcement board. I smile, realizing Ginny must've posted the Quidditch positions up already. 

Connor is beaming as he and a couple grinning friends turn around to head out the portrait hole for the day, and a few other Gryffindors eagerly take their place in front of the board. I lean against the wall and watch as a couple girls and guys scan their eyes across the paper and their faces drop, their brows furrowed as they read the bottom of the parchment. 

"Aren't they, what... twelve?" 

"No way... that just can't be true..."

"After Fred and George Weasley? Oh, Merlin, this is going to be a wreck..."

I smirk, knowing exactly who they're speaking of. The group walks away, flabbergasted, and I then hear two sets of giddy footsteps come scampering down the girls' stairs behind me. Before I can look back, Clarice and Afiya have clumsily stumbled out of the staircase doorway and towards the announcement board, they expressions anxious and eager. 

I watch excitedly as the two girls run up to the board, Afiya beginning to run her finger down the list of names as both their faces are mere inches from the parchment. Then, a loud squeal comes from Clarice's lips and the two girls crash into a hug. 

I feel myself smile warmly at the giddy friends, crossing my arms as I'm casually against the wall. They break apart and perform the same handshake they did at tryouts before promptly running out of the common room to breakfast with excited giggles. Fellow students in the common room watch them as they run out, their expressions slightly judgemental and completely confused as they glue their eyes to the unbothered duo. 

I can't wait till training.


"I don't think I can do this, Eloise."

Draco's breathy, irritated voice comes from next to me as the two of us walk down the corridors to Charms class. We're both dreading seeing Hawthorn, as per usual, as we stroll within the bustle of students. 

"Me neither," I groan, hitching my book bag more onto my shoulder. "How are we supposed to get through eight more months of this nightmare of a woman?"

"No idea," Draco says, watching our feet as we walk. "I swear, it's like every time I hear her voice, my teeth clench."

"You can say that again," Blaise adds as he falls into step beside Draco. Ever since I've started walking with Draco more and the two of us have hung out this year, I've also been around Blaise. I can see why Draco likes him so much... he's one of the genuinely good ones. And luckily, he's seemed to like me. I have a hunch he's also admiring the new Draco. "Did you guys happen to finish that chapter from last night she assigned?"

"Yeah, but I didn't even see the point..." I sigh as we turn a corner, "she just has us read them all in class."

"What's the point in taking Charms if we're barely using our wands?" Draco says, his tone agitated. 

Isn't He Lovely • A Fred Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now