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"Hey Eloise...." Hermione sings quietly across from me as we sit at breakfast.

My focus is fixed on a Quidditch magazine George got me recently, so I don't look up at her.

"What is it?" I mumble, wondering why she has that teasing tone in her voice.

"Here comes your husband," she giggles, leaning in to me.

I look up from my magazine and shoot her a glare, but she just laughs. I turn my head around to see the boys coming through the opening of the Great Hall. I narrow my eyes at Hermione, who simply smirks and returns to her cereal, continuing to keep that mischievous expression on her face.

"Cut that out, you," I hiss, just before the guys sit down next to us. To my misfortune but Hermione's subtle glee, Fred slides into a seat next to me. "Hey guys."

"What's up?" Harry greets as he grabs a piece of french toast off the platter. "Oi, Fred, you and George are gonna make it to Quidditch practice today, yeah?"

Fred nods, pouring some water into his goblet, then pulling mine over to refill it. "Definitely. We were even thinking of pitching some of our new products to the team."

"Oh no, don't let them fall victim to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, too," Lee groans, and the twins laugh.

"It's our specialty," George says. "Our charm at this school."

"Your charm?" Lee scoffs.

George grins.

Lee shakes his head, fiddling with his goblet in front of him. "It's frustrating how some girls in our classes still swoon at you even when you spike Slytherins' drinks with constipation potions."

George snorts while trying to take a sip from his water. "Come on, that's funny stuff. Also, girls do not swoon at me."

"I've seen a few seventh-year ladies look your way, George," Hermione pipes up with a teasing smile.

While Lee is still circling his fingertips around his goblet, George replies with a blank, "...oh. Well, okay."

"You sound quite uninterested," Harry scoffs. "I'm surprised."

George shrugs. "I apologize for my disinterest...?"

"Why don't you talk to Angelina?" Hermione suggests. "You two are friends-"

"Yeah, friends," George nearly laughs. "I'm not exactly interested in pursuing any Rendez-Vous romance at the moment with some bird. Y'know? So... don't bother with the matchmaking service."

Hermione stares at him a moment. So does Harry. I do too, a bit bewildered, but drop it because George is already saying something to Lee and they're laughing again like the conversation didn't happen.

"I wonder if I've ever gotten swooned at..." Ron mumbles while poking at his eggs mindlessly.

"Keep your head up, mate..." Harry grins, "...I'm sure a really drunk girl one night saw you from across the corridor and thought you were Cedric Diggory..."

Fred lets out a snort of laughter and Ron shoves a snickering Harry's arm. 

I look at Fred as his face lights up due to the laugh, his classically charming smile brightening his expression as he runs a hand through his hair. I feel myself fall a bit lost in that goofy look in his eyes as I take a breath, watching his slender fingers slip around his cup before lifting it to his soft, parted lips.


I hear Harry's voice jolt me out of my daze, my head perking up and turning to him across from me. Hermione's sitting next to him, planting her mouth into her hand as to hide a smile. I feel myself go pinker.

Isn't He Lovely • A Fred Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now