b u t t e r f l i e s

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I wake up the next morning with butterflies already in my stomach.

I hop out of bed with a giddy feeling but try and hide it as I get ready along with Hermione. The fact that she has no idea what happened last night keeps popping in my head as she talks fast about classes as per usual. I pull on the usual button-up white blouse and cover it with a fitting crewneck, my red Gryffindor tie peeking out from below the collar. I slip on a fairly flattering skirt over my hips, and top it off with the usual knee high black socks and my favorite pair of shoes: black lace-up boots that rise to my ankle.

Hermione, Ginny and I usually head down to breakfast early, often there before the rest of our friend group. Hermione slips her hairbrush into her side-table drawer and looks to me.

"Ready?" she asks with a chipper smile.

I nod, feeling a rush of both nerves and excitement. Nobody knows about last night... except for us.

Hermione and I meet Ginny in the common room to head down, the boys still up in their dorms. We walk to the Great Hall and slip into the benches as we wait for the guys- they usually come in pretty last minute. We laugh and talk, serving ourselves some toast and jam, cereal, eggs, and bacon. It's a Friday, so we're all quite excited to get a break from classes this weekend.

At around 9 o'clock, Ginny lifts her head up from popping another piece of toast in her mouth and smiles. "There those dorks are."

Hermione and I look to the entrance of the Great Hall. Harry, Ron, Lee, and the twins are all laughing and pushing each other around as they stroll into the hall, their faces bright despite having to get up for classes. I spot Fred laughing at something Lee's said, and my stomach does a flip. I want to run up and wrap my arms around him in a kiss, but I remember that nobody else knows what happened.

The boys get a little closer and Fred turns his head and stops laughing once he catches my eye, his smile growing wider and sending me a subtle wink. Merlin, he's attractive.

They slide into their seats and greet a casual good morning to us. Ron is already piling his plate, George and Lee slipping onto the bench next to him, Harry sitting on one side of me and Fred on the other.

"Good morning, lovely ladies," Fred says, grinning. Hermione scoffs lightly.

"Awfully cheerful today, are we, Fred?" she comments, eyeing him. "Get a good night of sleep?"

"Mm, you could say that," he shrugs, and my heart flutters.

I catch him looking at my slight blushing and I know he's smirking. I poke the eggs around my plate, praying that I don't look too suspicious at the table.

Harry and George start discussing something to do with quidditch while Hermione is badgering Ron to study with her for the upcoming D.A.D.A exam, and Lee starts digging into his eggs as Ginny is telling him about a dream she had about him.

Fred and I are sitting quietly next to each other, and I'm wondering what to say like an idiot so we don't look awkward. Usually Fred is making me laugh like crazy at breakfast, cheering me up before having to go to boring classes. But today, we sit quietly for a few moments next to each other.

Fred turns to me casually and reaches his hand past me to grab something. "Pardon my reach, Elle, just grabbing the orange juice."

I lean slightly back as he reaches over, but makes an effort to brush by my ear.

"Stop looking so cute," he whispers- "'cause it's just making it harder not to."

My cheeks flush and I rest my mouth in the palm of my hand to hide a smile, because I know exactly what he means by that.

Isn't He Lovely • A Fred Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now