t a k i n g a c t i o n

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DISCLAIMER: mature content


After the brilliant fireworks show, courtesy of Fred and George, the eight of us continue to laugh and chat into the night, sitting in a circle on the grass under the stars until around 1:30 in the morning.

I've never seen Hermione happier. Or Ron. I sure have seen them happy, of course... but this is different.

The entire time we joke around and talk after the fireworks, Hermione's head is rested on Ron's shoulder and their hands are clasped in his lap. She has this sort of peaceful, content smile on her face, and Ron looks completely and utterly satisfied beside her as well.

They fell right into it with each other, like they've been doing it for years. But they've been waiting for years, so is there much of a difference?

That night I'm having trouble sleeping when I hear creaking from downstairs. I sit up in bed, making sure to not make any noise so Fred won't wake beside me. I slip out of bed, curious, wanting to see if someone is up at this time of night.

I creep to the door and slowly open it, and then my eyes fall on Hermione.

One of her feet is on the second floor while the other is one step below, completely freezing when she sees me like a deer in headlights. 

"Mione? What are you doing up?" I ask softly, rubbing my eyes.

She swallows hard and glances at the floor, stepping up fully.

"Erm... well, I just..." she stammers quietly, "...I was thirsty."

A small smirk creeps onto my face as I cross my arms at her, now knowing precisely what she was up to. "Oh, thirsty, you say?"

"Parched as ever."

"You may be thirsty, but it's not for water," I whisper, grinning.

Her cheeks flush pink and she narrows her eyes at me.

"What are you playing at, Eloise?"

"You do realize that Harry is sleeping in Ron's room?" I grin, leaning against the wall. "Sneaking in there to see him ain't gonna work as well as you thought."

I watch the girl bite back a smile and I stifle a giggle. She slowly nods, looking defeated.

"Alright, alright..." she sighs, crossing her arms. "Congratulations, Eloise, you caught me."

"You guys are so cute," I shake my head, grinning. 

I see the girl smile, blushing as she looks up to the other floors through the staircases. "I can't believe... I can't believe he kissed me."

"I can!" I whisper. "With the fireworks and everything... actually, I suppose that was a little unexpected... I never saw Ron as that type of bold. Or heart-wrenchingly romantic."

"I know..." she says softly, grinning at the floor. "But... I like it."

My eyes widen and I stifle a laugh, eyeing her bashful expression. "Oh, I see..."

She giggles quietly and inhales, glancing towards the first floor. 

"I suppose I should get to bed..."

"Don't worry..." I whisper, cuing her to look back to me, "you'll get some time with him. It'll be worth it, too."

She smiles warmly as I do the same before chewing the inside of my cheek with a smirk.

"I mean, take it from me... it'll be, like, really worth it..."

"Oh, Eloise, for goodness' sake!" Hermione covers her mouth to avoid laughing. "Is this what it's gonna be like now? Talking about... this stuff?"

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