f i r e w o r k s

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July 4th, The Burrow

"Hey! Get up, you lovebirds!"

I wake up to the sound of George's bellowing voice and lift my head, squinting at him standing in the doorway with a grin.

And then I realize that I'm lying there in my bra and underwear, half-exposed, leading me to hastily tug the sheet over myself in a panic while bolting upright.

"Shit, George!"

"Oh, calm yourself, Eloise..." he laughs, "barely saw a thing. Except a bit of your tits."

"Piss off," I groan.

While George snickers again, Fred stirs next to me.

"Close the damn door, George..." he grumbles in a deep, groggy morning voice against the pillow.

"Nuh-uh! We've gotta get going to Diagon Alley in a half-hour," George snaps his fingers at us. "So get your arses up! Now! Greet the day! Work to do, people to see!"

I hear him calling a few more encouragements as his voice fades down the hallway, making me strain against a smile and shake my head, amused.

I lean down to wrap an arm around Fred's back, pressing soft kisses on his neck in greeting. He breathes in deeply and twists over.

"Come on, you... he's right," I murmur against his skin, "we gotta get going."

I start to push up to get out of the bed, but I feel Fred's arm effortlessly reach up and grasp my waist, tugging me back down to the mattress. I let out a yelping giggle.

"Freddie! We have to go!" I laugh. I feel his face nuzzle into my hair while his strong arm are holding me down.

"Mmm... but then you'll have to put on a shirt, and you look too bloody gorgeous without one," he mumbles into my head.

I scoff and push myself off of him to see a smirk painted across his lips. As I stretch a bit in bed, Fred sits up slightly and puts two hands behind his head, watching me while casually leaning against the headboard.

"Alright, up you go, then," I clap at him.

"Give me a minute." He scans his eyes up and down my figure, smirking.

I scoff at him and roll my eyes.

But when they return to him, I can't help but stare for a moment, realizing I'll never get used to how attractive Fred Weasley is in the morning. It's honestly kind of aggravating.

His biceps are slightly flexed as they sit behind his head, and his perfect, toned chest doesn't help matters, either. His boxers are resting just below his hips as he brings one knee up, his v-line visible just above the waistband as he smirks that signature smirk at me, taking his sweet time with drowning his gaze in my appearance before him.

I fight a giggle at his expression before resting one hand on his abs to lean in and press a soft kiss on his lips. He sighs into my lips and kisses back, moving his hands to pull me closer by my waist.

He's beginning to deepen the kiss by momentarily tilting his chin up and pushing his tongue into my mouth before a pillow suddenly smacks us both in the side of our faces.

We tear apart to see George standing in the doorway again, recoiling his hand as he glares.

"Did you just chuck a pillow at us?" Fred scoffs.

"Did I tell you two to snog each other's faces off?" George snaps, throwing his arms up. A laugh escapes my lips. "No, I don't recall that I did! Come on, or else the next item hurled at your faces isn't gonna be so soft."

Isn't He Lovely • A Fred Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now