a t a l k w i t h s n a p e

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Before we know it, it gets to be a week before our Holiday break.

Mum replied to my letter right away, Lola returning with an envelope tucked in her beak about two days after I sent mine.

She told me how excited she was that I was interested in potions, and couldn't wait to hear all about school when I get home in a week. And, to my excitement, she wrote in her letter permission for me to stay at the Burrow the second week of break. I'm not surprised she allowed this, though, because, like me, mum's said before that she considers Molly my second mother.

It's now the end of the day Monday, our professors finally letting students out after exceedingly slow classes. I have my third private lesson with Snape today, so I drop my bag off at my dorm, say a quick hello to Hermione, and bolt out the door again.

I walk up to Snape's doorway, the classroom being empty and quiet other than his footsteps as he paces about the room. I lightly knock on the door frame, watching as he hears it and turns to me.

"Ah, Miss Baker," he greets in his usual flat tone, beginning to walk around the circular table in the center of the room to get closer to me. He's holding a small book with a deep green color, the edges slightly worn but still in good shape. "Right on time, as per usual. And how are you today?"

"I'm fine, Professor, thank you," I say politely as he stops in front of me. He quickly lifts his hand from his side and holds the green book flat for me to take. I slowly grab it. The cover is titled in thin print, The Significance of Potions in the Modern World. "What is this?"

He turns on his heel as he walks around the table while speaking. "That is a book I read myself long ago when I grew intrigued by the world of potions. I'm offering it to you, as you may find it rather useful, I'd say."

I smile as I run my fingers along the print, feeling the slightly textured cover as I hear Snape walk to his desk. "Thank you, sir. I'll definitely give it a read."

"Good," he says, adjusting some books on his desk. "Now, let's begin."

We begin the session, Snape teaching me about numerous potions that connect to different areas of use, my hand consistently scribbling notes in my notebook as he shows me various ingredients around the room. He tells me about each branch of potion making, how they help different fields of study, how potions have become a reliability in the wizarding world. I listen attentively as the time passes.

Snape finally reaches the end of the lesson and slowly sits down in his desk chair, my hand jotting down the last of a sentence before closing my notebook and setting it on the table. I lean against the center table as Snape lets out a breath. He notices me still standing and motions to a small leather chair in front of his desk. I quickly sit down.

"I know I've said it before already, but thank you for doing this, Professor," I say, folding my hands together on my lap. "These lessons have really helped me."

He nods before leaning forward and setting his hands neatly on his desk. "I'm glad they have."

There's a quiet moment before he clears his throat awkwardly and speaks again.

"So... any plans for the Holidays, Miss Baker?"

I sigh and lean back in my chair, crossing one leg over the other. "I'll be going home to visit my mum, as I normally do."

Snape nods slowly. "And I suppose that will be enjoyable?"

"Of course! Yeah, it will be... it will be," I reply unconvincingly.

I see Snape notice my hesitation as my eyes fall to my lap.

"You don't sound very sure of yourself, Ms. Baker..."

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