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The following Sunday morning, I wake up in my bed to see that Hermione's already left the dorm. I sit up in bed and immediately feel just a tinge of dizziness, causing me to take a second to balance myself and breathe in deeply. Looks like this Hazemora has just a bit of after effects.

I don't remember a lot from last night, only flashes; the five of us laughing, the taste of the potion, the crackle of the fireplace... but I do know one thing. That Hazemora sure did help the anxiety. It was actually quite- pleasant.

I slowly swing my legs over the side of my bed and stand up, now seeing that it looks like I don't have any bad symptoms. I bet that's one of the reasons the twins sent it... we wouldn't feel lousy the next morning.

After I've gotten dressed for the day, I head down to the common room and see that the group has already gone to breakfast. I make my way down to the Great Hall, yawning a few times as I do, and see them sitting at the Gryffindor table as soon as I reach the entrance.

I pace down to their spot and slip into a seat next to Hermione as they all look up to greet me with a smile.

"Morning, everyone," I say.

"Morning, Eloise..." Ginny says. "Looks like you're... feeling okay, too?"

I grin, nodding. "I'm alright. What about you guys?"

They all exchange a look and turn back to me, smiling. 

"We're okay," Ron says with a grin. "Last night was... well, it was-"

"Pretty damn brilliant," Harry says. The five of us laugh a bit as we think back to the hazy night before.

"It sure got the job done, didn't it?" I say, smiling. "De-stressing us, I mean? It... it totally cleared my mind of even an ounce of stress."

"Same here," Ginny agrees. "I feel like we have to send my brothers a gift back because of how wonderful that was..."

We snicker before Hermione speaks up, smiling sheepishly.

"I suppose it was... fairly pleasant..." she admits, twirling a bit of hair in her fingers. I grin, nudging her side playfully. "I mean, it was nice to have a night to relax, you know?"

"Yeah, yeah, relax..." Harry says, grinning. I giggle as he smirks at Hermione. "You seemed to be enjoying yourself, weren't you, Hermione?"

Mione looks up and blushes a bit, but can't hide her smile. "I... I guess..."

"I think we all didn't realize how much we would... enjoy ourselves last night," Ginny giggles. We all share a light chuckle and I begin to serve myself breakfast, the five of us jumping into cheerful conversation as I do.


Monday arrives sooner than desired.

With a day ahead of us full of test-taking, we all wake up with pits in our stomach. I spent all of Saturday and Sunday studying, sometimes alone, sometimes with the group. I also helped Draco review for his Potions class, which I luckily don't even have to take this year and thus don't have to take an exam. But the other tests are still enough to spike my nerves and lead me to walk wobbily into my first classroom of the day.

Today, I have the exams in D.A.D.A, History of Magic, and Transfiguration. I'm mainly worried about my two N.E.W.Ts, Defense and Transfiguration, but I have studied quite a bit... I just have to be confident.

The tests go by fairly quickly, to my pleasant surprise. I scribble down as much as I can in the time we have, and luckily finish with only a few minutes to spare. I had a bit of trouble on some of the Transfiguration questions but am hoping that my confidence on my other answers makes up for it. Defense goes fairly well too, considering that I studied so much with Ron and Harry since they're in Snape's N.E.W.T class as well.

Isn't He Lovely • A Fred Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now