Young!Remus X Reader.

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"Hey (Y/n)! Lily!" I turn around, my gaze landing on Sirius Black who was hurtling down the corridor, James wide eyed following after him muttering something I couldn't quite make out. The two of them looked sketchy, really sketchy, because Sirius' lips were curled up in a sly grin and his eyes were twinkling with mischief. 

He had his arms out in front of him, something round and red nestled in his palms, and I had a feeling whatever it was, it would cause trouble "Sirius what-"

"Catch!" He was now a couple of meters away from me, and the red ball in his hands were chucked at Lily and I with a surprising amount of force. It hurtled towards us, heading right for Lily's face (You could see James lunging forward to stop it, though he was too far away to do anything).

Jumping in front of her, I manage to catch it with both of my hands, but as soon as it touched my palms, it exploded with some sort of red powder than not only covered me from head to toe, but everything around me was now a hazy red and I was sure I wasn't the only one to let out a startled cry. 

Stumbling forwards, I scrunch my eyes closed, trying to rub it out of my eyes but it didn't do anything, whatever that powder was, was now starting to sting and it hurt. Really hurt. Though the pain doesn't last too long, only a couple of seconds before I'm able to blink some of it away, and the shock turn to anger. 

Especially when I look down at my outfit and skin that were now dyed bright red. 

"Sirius" I growl out dangerously, my gaze snapping up to him. He just grinned at me. The idiot just gave me a bright grin, letting out a booming laugh. 

Lily put a hand on my shoulder, turning me slightly to face her "Are you ok (Y/n)?" She asked, and I nodded my head at her, too angry to utter anything, scared I'd snap at her. Though I was standing in front of her, her dress still had red powder all over it, though her face barely had anything on which I was thankful for. 

"What in Godricks name was that for?!" I turn back to face the boys, and James was now sheepishly smiling at us from behind Sirius, once again mumbling something I couldn't make out. 

"What? It was funny" Sirius spoke up, and my eyes narrow. 

"Funny? Funny?! Sirius you KNOW I have a date to Hogsmead waiting for me! You KNEW what this would do and I got it into my eyes! It really hurt Sirius." The anger turned to sadness, my lip unintentionally quivering slightly "You KNEW how much this date meant to me!" It did mean a lot, because it was my one chance at getting over Remus. 

Sirius KNEW that. 

"I...we...uh" He was one of my best friends, but I was rather upset now. Absolutly furious, but the sadness took over. It was like they didn't want me to get over Remus, as if they wanted me to pine after him for the rest of my life like an idiot, and as one of their best friends, I thought they'd want me to be happy. 

"Look at my outfit! And my skin! And I have no doubt my face is bright red! How dare you!" I snap, though it wasn't very angry, more mopey than anything, my eyes starting to well up with tears. I had no idea why I was getting all emotional, it's not the first time I had been pranked by them. 

"Wait (Y/n) I-" 

"Screw you Black" I huff out, turning to Lily with a small smile, though the biggest I could muster right now "Mind telling him that I can't come. Mind EXPLAINING why I couldn't go? I'm going to head back to the common room"

She looks down at her outfit and nods her head "Yeah ok, my dress isn't that bad anyway. I'll bring you back sweets from honeydukes" I nod my head weakly and she gives me a sad smile as I turn on my heel and head away from the boys. Before I turn the corner, I hear Lily giving them both a mouthful, though I don't stay to hear it, instead just heading back up to the common room to get my second shower of the day. 

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