Draco x Reader.

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"For a Gryffindor, you're sometimes tolerable" Draco comments, carefully cutting up some frog eyes with a small scalpel, and I roll my eyes at him. He can be such an ass, I had no idea how Pansy tolerated him, never mind fancied him, and fawned after him. 

Though I have to admit, it was moments like this I knew I could get to him easily. Instead of peeling the ginger and finely chopping it like I was tasked with, I lean forward in my chair and let out a small scream "Draco! Oh my gosh move!" At my shrill voice, he jumps up, accidentally stabbing the eyeball and popping it. The liquid from it explodes across the desk, leaving a streak of watery green liquid on his uniform.

I can't help the small snicker that leaves my lips when I spot his smouldering, deathly glare aimed directly as yours truly. 

Numerous curious gazes flicked over to us, including Slughorns but I shake it off "Sorry sir!" I comment before continuing to peel my ginger as though nothing happened. Flicking some stray strands out of my face that had escaped my messy bun that I'd put up before the start of the practical, I try to hide the massive grin on my face. 

"You witch" Draco sneers, promptly grabbing his wand to perform a spell to fix his uniform before turning to me with a glare "No, I was wrong. You're never tolerable!"

"Oh no!" I dramatically place a hand on my forehead, looking at Draco with a mocking frown "The world is ending"

"Exactly, I mean the world to you and you know it" He sneers, though I could see the humour in his eyes as he grabs another frog eye and starts to cut it up once more. For a few seconds, I just stare at him in confusion at how he can just focus so easily because I found it hard to do anything without getting bored and annoying the people around me.

"Why are you watching me?" He looks up, placing two of the pieces of frog eye into the cauldron and mixes it anticlockwise without taking his eyes off me and I flush, raising an eyebrow. 

"I was just looking at your hair" I state, the one way to annoy him instantly. 

"My hair? What's wrong with my hair?" He huffs out, running a hand over his perfectly groomed hair and I grin, leaning back in my chair after adding to flakes of ginger into the potion so it turns a thick, bubbling pink. 

"Nothing, never mind"

"Oh, I was about to comment on your see through shirt" He leans his elbow in the table, resting his cheek in his outstretched palm and looking over at me with a smirk, one that made my skin crawl as I look down at my chest, flushing. Only to find that no, it wasn't. 

"You suck" I finally quip back, adding three dragon scales to the potion which causes him to lean back in his chair and cockily roll his shoulders back "Also, we're meant to be standing up" 

"Oh no, really?" His sarcastic remark made me playfully glare at him and grab a handful of dragon scales and I hold them over the bubbling pot and watch as he pales "Don't you dare"

"Watch me, if I go down, you go down with me" I square my shoulders, raising my chin at him in a warning - I would do it. But before I could drop them into the cauldron and make the liquid erupt like a volcano, Draco lunges for me, his hands grabbing mine and shoving them away. I accidentally drop them on the floor, and Draco, who had lunged forward with too much momentum, pretty much tumbled right into me and because I was on a chair, the back legs leans back and we both collapse in a heap on the floor. 

"Get off me!" I hiss, barely breathing because of how he landed on me, his chest pressed against mine and I swear he was crushing my lungs. 

"Oops" I hear him breath out, just as breathless as I was as he pushes himself off me and looks up at the rest of the class staring in confusion, most of their mouths dropped open in shock so being the most amazing person ever and the nicest human you'll ever meet, I decide to blame it all on Draco. 

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