Harry X Reader.

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"Oh come on (Y/n)" Seamus groans, sinking into the pillows with a disappointed huff and glaring at me from the sofa opposite me. I don't bother responding to him, instead turning to Dean who had his nose buried in a book. 

"Dean?" When he doesn't answer, Seamus yells from where he's sat, a cheesy grin spreading across his face when Dean lets out a startled cry, almost knocking over the ink pot that was resting by his elbow. 

"Guys, I'm trying to focus. I completely forgot about this project and neither of you remembered to remind me about it!" Dean grits out, returning to his work and leaving Seamus and I glaring at each other in an awkward silence. Well, until Dean slams his hand on the table and looks up at us with one of those 'are you two serious right now?' looks "Guys, you're not five. Stop sulking... yes Seamus, I mostly mean you. Just have a civil conversation"

Seamus let's out a snort, his accent thicker as he mocks Dean before turning to me and raising an eyebrow "So you really are a coward aren't you?" 

"WOAH!" I leap up off the sofa and take two strides over to him, my eyes narrowing dangerously as I poke his chest with each of my next words "I'm. No. Coward."

"Sure you're not, so why haven't you asked Harry out yet" He raises his eyebrows at me, smirking "Come on, just do it. We've been-" He's cut off by Dean who states it was all Seamus arguing with me, but Seamus continues like nothing has happened- "trying to convince you for almost a week now. You like him, pretty sure he likes you. Just date" I stutter for a response, my eyes still narrowed on him. 

It was then, that all in his glory, Harry Potter had stumbled into the common room with Ron by his side, the two sniggering between each other and whispering something I couldn't quite make out. Harry was the first to settle into an armchair next to a dying fire, Ron soon following suit and relighting the fire with his wand before returning to the conversation. I couldn't help but gawk at Harry, his big green eyes twinkling in the light of the blazing fire, and his hair - a beautiful mess of brown curls on his head. He was amazing. I mean sure, we were friends, but I'd only started noticing how... well, hot he was recently, and not long after that I longed for a relationship.

Seamus hit me lightly to knock me out of my daze, shaking his head and letting out a whine "You're so boring now. All you do is fawn over-" I throw a hand over his mouth when I realise how loud he was being, only, he lurches away and seems to take this as a game "Seriously we know you like-" I pretty much tackle him to the floor, covering his mouth once against as he squirms around on the carpet.

"(Y/n) will you just leave-" Ron's the one who cuts Dean off, and my gaze snaps over to both Harry and Ron who were now staring at us wide eyed "Bloody hell (Y/n), what are you doing?!" He shoves some ginger hair out of his eyes before furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. 

Seamus manages to bat my hand away and offer an unnecessary comment "She's trying to kill me! I'm dying!" He was dramatically flailing about on the floor, his accented highlighted as he calls out for his friends "Dean! Ron! Harry! Someone help me!" Dean jumps up, but it was Harry who was the first over, apologising meekly as he lifts me off of Seamus and places me on the couch. 

"THANK YOU! My saviour!" Seamus blurt out, grinning at me like an idiot, and it was then I wanted to murder him. He was my best friend, but merlins beard he was one of the most dramatic humans I'd ever met in my entire life. I jump up to tackle him to the ground and wipe that annoying smirk off of his face, but Harry blocks my path, and when I don't give up, he wraps his arms around me to pin my arms to my sides. 

"Harry, you know I like you" I flush, not specifying whether it was as a friend or not, because it was a comment I often used "So I'm going to warn you to let go of me so I can-"

"I'm sorry but no" I look up at him, grinning down at me and I let out a frustrated growl. I wasn't mad at him because he said no, I was mad because it made me want me to stop fighting. All he had to say was no, and I was no longer focusing on Seamus. I was focusing on Harry. On how close we were to each other, our bodies pressed together with my cheek resting on his chest. 

"Harry" I warn, though there was no malice or fire behind my words. Instead, I let out a sigh of defeat, sagging into his arms and only when he thought I was no longer a threat did he let go of me and I took a seat on the sofa. Though, Seamus being the muppet he was, sat on the same sofa. 

Just before I could lunge, Harry took a seat between the two of us and shook his head in amusement "Yeah, I think it'd be smart if I sat here". Ron then took a seat on the sofa opposite where I had been sat before all of this, and we'd made small talk, mostly about the potions assignment due tomorrow, though Dean made quite a few frustrated remarks about how we hadn't mentioned it before today. 

"It's not OUR fault you're just unorganised" I shrug, grinning slyly at Dean who gives me the middle finger without looking up from his essay. He looked to be almost done now anyway, so I moved the topic on to something more interesting "Did any of you hear about Pansy Parkinson and Graham Montague are dating? I think it's arranged. He's two years older"

"They'd be such a sneaky couple. I would trust yourself around those two then" Ron snaps, screwing up his nose in detest, though Seamus just beams at me, his lips curled up in a snarky smirk. 

"Talking about couples, (Y/n) was talking about how she-" I throw myself at Seamus over the top of Harry, my eyes narrowed at him, but before I could reach him, Harry wraps his arms around me and turns me away from Seamus. 

"What's wrong with (Y/n)?" Ron asks grumpily, and Dean answers him "Seamus has been winding her up all day. He's trying to get a rise out of her"

"Why?" Harry inquires, still holding onto me as I squirm around in his grasp. It's silent for a few seconds, either Seamus or Dean thinking about what they should say before Dean finally answers "Because (Y/n) has a crush. Seamus is just grumpy because (Y/n) had been talking about this boy nonstop"

"AM NOT!" Seamus whines, before letting out a huff and finally agreeing. 

"Wait, (y/n)... you have a crush?" Harry asks, furrowing his eyebrows and pulling away slightly, just enough to stare into my eyes. Damn him, he could turn me to jelly with a single stare. So much so that I don't notice him repeat his question. Not until he nudges me slightly "(Y/n)?"

"I... uh... crushes? What's a crush" I end up blurting out, only for my eyes to widen in horror, a fiery blush spreading across my face. I suddenly felt extremely hot in here. Harry's arms were still wound around me, and I only then just realise that one of his hands were on my bare waist from where my shirt had ridden up slightly. He let's out a deep chuckle at my comment, though he pauses slightly to tilt his head. 

"Is it someone I know?" He tilts his head to the side, waiting for an answer but all I can do is nod my head at him dumbly, so he continues "Are they... are they in this house?" Again, I not my head. I felt mute, like my throat had dried up "In our year?" I pause, wincing slightly before nodding my head at him "Are they here? Right now?" I couldn't help but notice the hope that bloomed in his eyes, and I tilt my head to the side. 

It was then I found my voice "Yes"

He paused, swallowing nervously and pursing his lips for a few seconds before opening his mouth "Is... is it me?" His voice was so low that I was certain that no one else around us could hear because I barely heard it myself. 

"I know it's stupid but I can't help it! I mean it's not my fault you're so adorable and sweet and kind and I just like you so much and if I could make it go away, I would but I can't and so-" He cuts my really, really fast pace rambling off by pressing his lips awkwardly, but lightly against my own. 

I lean up, moving one of my hands up to his cheek and deepening it slightly. It was slow and light but passionate. At first it was slightly awkward, both of us unsure of what to do, but I soon took a bit more control and when we pull away, I don't think I could describe how big of a smile were on both of our faces. 

"I like you too"

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