Draco X Reader.

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Normally, i'd consider February to be one of the most useless months of the year. Nothing happens during it, not really anyway and especially not in Hogwarts for I suppose in the wizarding world it just wasn't normal to celebrate valentines day. 

But somehow, with the help of a lot of muggle borns, Hermione had managed to convince Dumbledore to celebrate it as a way of integrating muggle and magic students together, and so, in preparation for the celebration, I was sat in Hermione's dorm room with about twelve other girls from different houses making valentines day cards. 

It wasn't my cup of tea, I mean sure, I had a huge crush. A massive, unbelievably awkward crush on someone, but Hermione was the only one who knew about it. I would have told Harry and Ron but I didn't really have time because every single time I tried to bring it up, they end up ranting about how awful the boy is and I never admit to actually liking him. 

But he was the Slytherin prince, the golden boy of his house and one of the most wanted boys in the whole school, so of course I wasn't going to make him a card that he would probably have just thrown in the bin with the bag load of other cards from other love sick girls in the school so instead, I was just led across Hermione's bed, hanging upside down and watching the others gush about how hot Cedric is, or how adorable Seamus and Dean would be together. 

"But seriously, wouldn't they make a good couple though, like ignore them being best friends and focus on how close they are" Parvati gushes, sticking some pink glitter to her card using the 'muggle way' that Hermione was teaching everyone.

"They kind of would though" She looks up at me and nods her head in agreement so I continue, my voice light and airy as I spoke about it "I mean I reckon we should dare them to kiss tomorrow, at the Valentines party." Even Lavender who was beside Parvati bobbed her head up and down enthusiastically at the idea. "They must come right? It's hosted by Gryffindor" there's a mutter of agreement but no one is quite certain, but I have a feeling that because I'd planted the idea in their heads, they'd find a way to make the two boys come to the party and kiss. Sure, they weren't the smartest in the class, but when they wanted something to happen - they made it happen.

"What about YOU then?" Lavender inquired, and I shake my head at her. I was never going to answer that question, especially not to one of the most gobby, gossip hungry girls of the school because it would probably be written across the walls of the castle by tomorrow, so I answer with a drawled out "Ew, none of the boys in the school are worth it"

"Waiting until your older for some hunky men?" I cringed at the language that Parvati used, and even her twin Padma shook her head in disgust. She wasn't really like her sister at all, she was quieter, and more reserved. 

Despite my screwed up nose, I nod my head "Something like that Parvati, something like that" I don't go into detail, obviously. But she takes it anyway and continues ranting about boys. Everything's about boys with her, I swear. 

"So, who IS everyone giving theirs to? Lavender? Hermione? Padma?" She even motions to a few first years who seemed keen on keeping to themselves or the small groups they were sat in, but I think they knew she wouldn't take silence as an answer so they all turned themselves to her to spill. I don't think any of them knew how much Lavender and Pervati gossiped. 

"Well I'm giving it to Jason" Another first year girl gasped, wiggling her eyebrows but no one else knew who he was so the mousy brunette had to elaborate "He's in Slyth-" She doesn't finish the sentence, Lavender shakes her head and interrupts. 

"A SLYTHERIN? They're snakes! Sly and rude!" She barks out, before clutching her card to her chest and let's out a dreamy sigh "Mine's going to RonRon" She seemed so sure that he was going to get with her. So certain. It made me want to snort, because he was in love with Hermione through and through. And I knew that the small, neat card that Hermione was writing was for Ron too. So sue me if I found this amusing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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