Fred X Reader (Part 3)

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It was two hours until midnight, the Firewhiskey had hit, and now all of the Weasley siblings and co. had found a few sofas to sit down on, and we were all laughing our asses off as Angelina started a game of truth or dare to pass the time while the adults mingled with kind of boring songs that no one actually knew the lyrics to. Ron, who was now bright red with embarrassment, was attempting to do 'the worm', which Hermione had tried explaining to him. After a few awkward tries, he just hit his knee caps against the floor with a thud and had sat back down grumbling to himself. 

Though the grumbling didn't last long as Hermione had placed a hand on his shoulder, checking to make sure he was ok and fawning over him, asking if he needed a spell to dull the pain. He was refusing, but I could tell by that sparkle in his eyes that he was loving all the attention she was giving him. 

"Well, Ron your go!" Fred said, grinning like an idiot as he sat on a sofa with his arm wrapped around Beatrice's shoulder, Angelina sat in Georges lap besides the two of them. They looked cute together, which I hated more than the world to admit. She had short, messy blonde hair and such wide, innocent blue eyes, and even I couldn't argue that she wasn't an absolutely stunning woman. Which was why I wasn't actually that surprised when it was announced in the common room a few days before the end of term that they were dating. Thank goodness I wasn't there for that. 

"Uh, Truth or Dare (Y/n)?" Ron had knocked me out of the 'Pining over a man, and kind of fan-girling about how hot his girlfriend is' daze. 

"Oooo, dare!" I took a swig from the flask Ginny was passing around, the bottle weirdly still cold in my hands, before handing it to Harry to keep it being passed around. Ron seemed to contemplate for a few seconds, Ginny leaning over to whisper something in his ear with an evil grin. 

"Uh, I don't like that look... " I mumble, narrowing my eyes on the two of them. 

"Ok, (Y/n), Gin- I mean I dare you to go and convince Cassius Warrington to give you his tie!"

"What? You mean ask for his tie? He's not going to give me his tie...." I didn't really understand Ginny's logic in this situation, at all. Why was she grinning like an absolute loon at me over a dare like that?

"Not unless you flirt, cmon it's a dare (Y/n)" Ginny grins, though at this Fred narrows his eyes, saying it'll hold up the game if I have to go and convince someone to give me their tie. I understood him there, they would be having to wait a few minutes while I try to convince a slytherin to give me his tie. I mean, it was a pretty tie, it looked dark green, and if I had noticed correctly earlier, it had silver swirls that looked like wisps of smoke curling around it.

"I think it'd be entertaining to watch" Angelina spoke up, shrugging "Right baby?" She asks George who copies her shrug, maybe even unconsciously, nodding his head along with her, and with that I stand up and head over to Cassius who was sat with Adrian Pucey. I'm not that horrified at this dare, Cassius was cute. Adrian however was not at all. 

"Hey... Uh Cassius?" Both boys look over with raised eyebrows, Adrian checking me out and giving me a sly grin, but Cassius just smiles warmly, patting the chair next to him. He's in Freds year, and in Slytherin, but he's always been a sweetheart to me. Though not a fan of the twins after a particular dare. 

"Hey (Y/n). Hows the party? A bit boring for a new years eve one right?" We get into a short conversation, and I let out a laugh when he tells me that he's just seen his aunt throwing up in the corridor outside. I made a mental tally to avoid that corridor until it was clean again. 

"Yeah, everyone does seem quite drunk don't they?" I laugh again, before smiling lightly "So uh, I'm going to be honest, I uh... need your tie"

"My tie?" His eyebrows raise, smirking slightly "Any reason?"

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