Draco x Reader.

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I'm minding my own business, reading a book about baking (Because I really, really wanted to make fire whiskey cupcakes with the elves in the kitchens) when something insanely heavy lands on the table with a thump. 

Not realising what had happened, I let out a squeak of surprise, jumping up and almost dropping my book but I catch it in time, looking up at Draco who takes a seat opposite me with a glare on his face. 

We just stare at each other for a few minutes before he let's out a sigh, ruffling his platinum blonde hair "I'm your potions partner"

For another minute I just stare at him, wide eyed.

"And?" I finally talk, rather confused. 

"We have the project due tomorrow" 

"WHAT?!" I screech, earning a glare off two Ravenclaw students studying in the library "Sorry" I whisper before looking back at Draco leaning back in his chair "What project?"

"I forgot to tell you" He shrugs carelessly "You were sick when Snape set it"

"When did he set it?" I ask curiously, closing the cooking book and pushing it away from me before opening the potions book that he'd so graciously slammed on the table in a huff. 

"Two weeks ago" I look up, giving him a deadpan frown. 

"We've had TWO weeks and you've only just told me?"

"Oops" He was smirking and most certainly not angry.

"It's not funny, Snape is going to give me another detention" I whisper, running a hand through my hair "Do you have the task?"

He pushes a piece of parchment towards me, and I un-scroll it. 

This was going to take hours. 

"So, what is it?"

"You haven't even read it?" My voice was soft but filled with disappointment and he furrowed his eyebrows. 

"No, what do we need to do?"

"I'll do it. It's fine" I mumble "Don't worry about it ok?"

He rolls his eyes "What do you want in return"

I give him a cheeky grin "A cookie"

"What? A cookie. A singular cookie?" He looked so confused and I couldn't help but giggle as his eyebrows furrowed in frustration. 

"Most certainly, a cookie and I'll do it ALL"

"Deal" He grins at me, chuckling to himself. 

He probably thought I was an idiot, but at least he wouldn't have to do it. 

He wouldn't have helped anyway so it's a win, win situation. 

Draco jumps up, leaving the library in a rush, leaving his bag on the floor and his books on the table and I get started on the project.

This is going to be a long night.

But the start of an amazing friendship between two polar opposite people - a friendship that both of us came to realise was one of the most amazing relationships either one could have hoped for.


I'm walking to the girls bathroom near my common room when I hear it. 

Almost four weeks after the deadline of our potions project was due.

At first, I had no care for gossip, but when I realised it was Draco and his friends, I got curious. 

Especially because I wanted to know if he'd stick up for whoever they were talking about or just agree with his friends. 

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