Young!Bellatrix X (Fem) Reader.

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This one is SAD - half cried but this is a story I'm writing as a whole story instead of a oneshot. If anyone has any requests at all, I'm here :) The only ones I won't do are those with large age gaps, or anything else inappropriate but I do love requests <3 

I have yet to edit this one, but I'll get around to editing all my stories soon so I apologise for any mistakes in it!!


I watched her eyes light up, widening slightly as she raised a perfect eyebrow, her lips twisting up in a cruel smile "You always did like rescuing strays"- she bit the words out, but she took a step back, tucking her wand away before raising her hands up "-I've stopped"

"Unless you want a fight" I had to bite my lip to hold back the smile, raising my wand up and watching as her gaze roamed over me, pausing lightly at my lips before dropping her hands once more, taking a step closer. 

"As though you could take me in a fight" Her tongue ran over her teeth, her beautiful brown eyes narrowing on me as she stepped forward once again, so she was almost chest to chest. She seemed fully aware of the tip of my wand now pressed into her neck, not bothering to grab her own. 

Remus and Peter were now staring at us with furrowed eyebrows, but Lucius and Narcissa were grinning from ear to ear. Despite her love for chaos, she was soft as a kitten, all bark and no bite at all, and they were both fully aware of my crush on Bellatrix. 

"You know I could take you, and you know I'd win" I couldn't help the cockiness in my tone, because it wasn't bragging if it was true. I could take her in a fight, and win - we were renowned for short duels in the corridor between lessons, though they were never malicious contrary to popular belief. 

She leant forward, not caring that my wand was still pressing into her neck, so she was a breath away from my ear, her voice lowering "I bet you really could take me" a brilliant grin flashed across her face when I let out an audible gulp, stepping backwards as I feel warmth crawling up my neck and cheeks. 

"Cut winding those two up Bells" I look at the two boys to avoid her gaze, only to realise they were already walking down the corridor away from us all. She lets out a laugh, and I can't stop staring at the way her face lit up, the morning sun shining across her flawless features and highlighting her black curls. 

"Anything you want, (Y/n)" She turns on her heel, strutting down the now nearly empty corridor. Narcissa pushes Lucius, giving him a look and he soon bounds off down the corridor after her. 

"For a Malfoy, your confidence goes down the drain when you see her" Narcissa links her arm with mine, dragging us towards potions that I was certain we'd now be late for, though neither of us seemed to mind. 

"I can't help it" I groan, rolling my eyes and looking at her with raised eyebrows "Besides, she's going to be family WHEN, and I don't mean if, when my brother proposes. I still can't believe HE'S my twin" I screw up my nose "AND that you like him"

"Get used to it, we've been dating almost three years now, and we're almost eighteen so that means that mums definately going to push a wedding over summer" She bites her lip, looking up at me once more "I'm so annoyed though, my best friend and my sister, now that would be amazing. She's always smiley around you. If only our parents would actually just stop being homophobic dicks" 

My eyes widen, I wasn't used to her swearing at all, but I could see the rage bubbling in her eyes. We were both pure bloods, so in theory if I were a boy it'd be a perfect combination. I may be bi, but I was certain Bellatrix was just into girls which was going to be a hard pill to swallow when she's forced into an arranged marriage. 

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