Young! Sirius X Reader.

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I tried so hard not to hate Sirius, he was everything that I ever wanted to be - wild, fun, untameable. I used to love him, or at least I used to be lovesick, the type of lovesick a twelve year old was. The kind where he could do no wrong in my eyes, even when he fought with my brother, and even when he'd prank me; I was just downright obsessed. 

Being James' twin wasn't easy with that because Sirius would spend almost every holiday with us which didn't help my feelings at all at the time, and now that I look back at it I wish I could have just stayed away for my own sake. 

I'm glad he turned up at our door at sixteen, I'm glad he left his parents who were horrible, but it meant that we were constantly around each other.Having him with us, constantly pranking me or mocking me, I turned a little bitter. Being best friends with his cousin Narcissa, did absolutely nothing to stop the built up anger that was just bursting to get out. 

I think the breaking point in our friendship was when Sirius had caught me kissing Bellatrix (In a game of spin the bottle at a party) just a few months ago, and we had a whole duel in the corridor. Both of us ended up with madame Pomfrey who seemed more disappointed than upset, even Dumbledore had tried to get involved. It didn't help.

But it was the bittersweet nothings yelled between us that had really done it, James had refused to talk to each of us for a week and had admitted since that it's felt like walking on egg shells around both of us when the other was mentioned. I couldn't help it, I couldn't tell how I felt about him, and I hated it. 

It was only a month away from the end of term when we'd have to go back home, and at a party in the Hufflepuff common room where I had spotted him and fully realised what that would mean for us. 

"Just hex him" Bellatrix drawled from beside me, twirling some dark hair with her fingertip and offering me a sly smile, but Narcissa just nudged her shoulder and sent her a dark look before staring at me with a soft smile. 

"Or, just ignore him, we can start a game of truth or dare?" She offered, curled up in the lap of her soon-to-be-husband Lucius, who seemed to brighten at the idea, his shoulder length platinum blonde hair put up in a knot on the back of his head, the front two strands shaking as he nods his head.

"Cmon (Y/n)?" He offered me the bottle of firewhiskey he was basically cuddling to himself and Narcissa, flicking the lid of it off with a 'pop'. Letting out a resigned sigh and smiling, I grab the bottle and take a swig, trying not to completely screw up my nose at the taste of it before passing it to Barty. 

"Truth or dare.... Lucius?" Bellatrix asked, grinning from ear to ear as the bottle was passed to her. Noticing the question, a few other students had come over and joined, wedging themselves between us or perching on the side of the sofas. 

"Dare, obviously" He raised his chin slightly, but Narcissa just giggles and kisses his cheek, a bright smile lighting up her face as she stares down at him with such admiration and love I was considering pretending to gag, but I hold it in. 

"I dare you to give Regulus a lap dance" I couldn't help but snort, and Regulus, who was curled up in the corner of one of the couches in between Bertram and Aubrey just slumped in his seat, taking another swig of his own bottle of firewhiskey. Merlin only knows where he stole that from. 

"Really Bells?" Regulus whines out, a scowl twisting over his features as he glares at her, though there was very little malice in that look - and trust me, his glare is that frightening you'd dig yourself your own grave if you ever saw it. 

"Go on then" Lucius puffed out of his chest, picking Narcissa up without breaking a sweat and placing her back down in the seat before walking over to a big table in the corner and stealing one of the chairs before placing it down. 

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