Seamus X Reader.

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I groan, throwing myself across the Gryffindor couch as I continue to ignore Lavender who was still pestering me about Ronald Weasley - a lanky ginger haired boy who I'm sure was in love with Hermione.... who happened to be one of my closest friends (Exactly why I was ignoring Lavender). 

"Come on (Y/n), please. Help me or-" I sit up, my eyes narrowing at the blonde haired girl who had her arms crossed over her chest. She was so cocky sometimes, that I could hardly tolerate her. 

"Or what Lavender? There's nothing that you could use against me, now excuse me because I'm going to bed" And I did exactly that, leaving her gawking at me as I head up to my dorm to avoid any more of her harassment, and once I flop on my bed, Hermione perches on the side of hers. 

"Are you ok? You look-" I cut her off with another annoyed whine, shaking my head at her. 

"Lavender" I mutter, and Hermione winces, nodding her head in understanding before returning to the chunky book she had opened on her bed, the pages faded and ripped and I'm sure that I've seen her with that book numerous times throughout the year. 'A bit of light reading' she'd always mutter when I complained about it, and so I'd soon learned to stop asking, even if I was certain that she was rereading it for the twelfth time. 

A few minutes pass of me led facedown on my bed and her reading before she broke the silence to look up "What was she asking about?" Obviously I couldn't tell her, and as clueless as she was about her feelings for Ron - everyone knew they were in love. 

"Just gossip, again. She's trying to dig dirt up on people" I mean, she actually was before she'd gotten onto the topic of Ron, but I just wouldn't tell Hermione the whole truth. She'd go mental, and I promise you Hermione wasn't someone you ever wanted to cross. EVER. 

"Of course she is, she needs to keep her claws out of other people's business" Hermione growls before once more focusing on her massive, really old looking book and once again the dorm room is cast into silence before she looks up AGAIN "And who was she trying to get dirt on?"

"Beats me, I ran up here as soon as I could. Hey, mind if I copy-" And as soon as the words left my mouth, I was cast an unamused glance before she bursts into a rant about how I need to one, be more prepared and two, how I need to start taking my studies seriously and trust me - this wasn't one of those short rants. 

I think she needed to get rid of some pent up anger though, which I kind of understand. So I just let her continue her rant until she has nothing left to say and she turns back to her book once more with her eyebrows furrowed. 

"Are you ok Mione'?" I ask, sitting up and crossing my legs before focusing my attention on her and she simply nods her head, muttering a small 'yes' but she doesn't look up from her book and so I shrug and get up. I think she needed to be alone for a while, so I tell her I'm heading to the common room before scampering off and down the stairs. 

"(Y/n)! Hey!" Seamus waves me over, and motions for me to sit down opposite him "A game?" Wizards chess? Of course, I'm so going to beat him. 

I scoff, shaking my head "So I can kick your ass again?"

"Something like that" He shrugs, setting the final piece on the board and motioning once more for me to sit opposite and I take the seat with a cheesy grin. I was so going to beat him, I always beat him. 

"Oh it's on" And once again, for the fifth time that week, I beat Seamus. He let out a groan, leaning back in his chair and letting out a frustrated groan, and Dean (The moron, as if Seamus was letting me win) kept insisting that Seamus was 'normally much better'.

"Oh come on, I always win Dean, shut up" I jump up with a grin, leaning down to press a kiss to Seamus' cheek before pulling away and winking at him, much to Dean's shock who groans and runs a hand down his face for some reason. 

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