Fred X Reader (Part 2)

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I can't tell you the shock I was in when two hands had promptly shoved me out of bed, though I hadn't realised that was what had woken me up with such a startle until I was staring up at Ginny's grinning face "Rise and shine you sly fox" 

"Ginny? What ungodly hour is this?" I push myself up, more than disoriented as I realised I was still in yesterdays clothes, and run a hand through my incredibly tangled locks. 

"Uh, enough time to shower before breakfast" She still had that insanely gleeful grin, which wouldn't have been that out of the ordinary, only Ginny was not a morning person. I've been at the wrong end of the bat bogey hex more than once trying to get her up for early morning quiddich practice and I have now learned the slightly painful way to stand quite a distance from her to wake her up. Especially, if you throw stuff at her, easiest way to avoid any repercussions while she's still stirring up. 

"Ohhhkayyy-" I drag it out as I finally gauge my bearings "-why aren't I on the sofa?" I flush at the memories, hoping more than anything she hadn't seen Fred and I, otherwise I will never, ever hear the end of it. Truthfully, I still don't know whether she approves of my crush yet. 

"Well, imagine how horrendous training was last night in the cold? Horrible right? Well we were all dragging ourselves back from practice, which the twins had SKIPPED. I mean I knew they had detention for the first half an hour but we kind of expected them to join us? Well no!" She paused, and I tried everything I could think of to keep the knowing smile from slipping onto my face as I nod my head for her to continue "-Well, we got back and you'd never guess what we found! The twins! That's not even the most shocking part, you know what was?"

I couldn't help but snort, letting out a dejected sigh "They were playing wizards chess?" 

"George was, but Fred! The stupid idiot has never picked up a book once in his life that I've seen unless to throw it at someone, you know I didn't even know he could read! Anyway, there he was a book in his hands... IN YOUR LAP WHILE YOU SNORED!"

"I SNORED?!?!?" 

"I'm kidding, but you were all cutesy cuddled up and he had a book? Why did he have a book? You know what I don't even want to know, I'd rather know WHY HE WAS CURLED UP WITH YOU!"

"Oh he was avoiding a prank!" I could feel a flush creep up my neck, my face heating in an awkward way "Yeah, and he had the book so Filch didn't catch him and-"

"He carried you to the dorms and tucked you in, how cute!" She interrupted, her voice raising in a slight singsong voice, and one of our other roommates Matilda groaned from her bed, mumbling to shut up, so we lowered our voices, making our way to the shower room. 

"He did WHAT?!" I whisper-shouted, grabbing Ginny's arm and spinning her to face me as soon as we made it there, before pausing "Wait, how did he get up the stairs...?"

"I don't actually know.... but you know the twins, they manage everything" She rolled her eyes "Anyway, are you going to explain? You know I really thought it was just a little crush but you like him BIG TIME!" 


"LIAR! 'Oh look at him in those quiddich robes, god I could just-'" I rush to shush her, looking around to make sure there were no other Gryffindor students, but she shoves my hand away, rolling her eyes "-Cmon (Y/n), this has got to mean he likes you... and you can have a romantic new years eve kiss at the party in three weeks! As long as you don't tell me about it, he's my brother, I still don't get what you see in him" She rolls her eyes once more, and I try to refrain from making a sarcastic remark, instead, a small smile slipping on my face. 

"Do you think he's actually interested in me back?"

"Do I think... DO I THINK.... I KNOW, well I don't know, but the way he was looking at you, oooo honey if he doesn't then something is damn wrong with him" She nodded at the showers "Now go get a shower and let's get some food!"

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