Fred X Reader.

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Avoiding the clutches of death eaters and protecting myself and other students, I end up stumbling into Fred, our bodies colliding, both of us almost falling over at the impact. I couldn't begin to describe the relief that coursed through me when I had spotted him, and I lean up to press my lips against his before pulling away and blocking an attack from a death eater. 

My eyes scan the area around us before my eyes widen in horror, and my instincts kick in as I grab Fred's wrist, yelling on his name and tugging him behind a massive chunk of one of the fallen columns just as a massive fireball hits the wall behind where we had just been stood. 

Screwing my eyes shut, I tremble at how close I had come to dying once again. At how close we had both come to dying. 

"Hey, hey you're ok. We're ok" Fred brushes some hair out of my face as I peak my eyes open, and our gazes lock. His face was streaked with blood, though I wasn't sure whether it was his own or another's. 

"We're...Fred... I-" He cuts me off, leaning closer and pressing his lips tenderly against my own before pulling away and scanning the area around us for any danger. I do the same, not spotting anyone else around us, though I could hear it all. When I was sure we had a few peaceful seconds to ourselves, I met his gaze once more. 

"Marry me (Y/n)" He cups my face with his hands, though in his right I could feel the side of his wand pressed against my skin. His eyes were searching my own, his eyebrows furrowed together as he bit his lip lightly. When I don't say anything, he continues "Marry me, we'll be together forever. A life together, and when we win, when we get through this, we'll be happy. The two of us"

It was the hope and reassurance that I needed, and I nodded my head "Of course. Of course Fred, I love you. I love you so much" He leans forward, pressing his lips against my own but this time it was deeper as I tilt my head to the side slightly, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him closer to me. 

It's like everything fell away, the war and the fear just a dull buzzing in the back of my mind. My senses were being overtaken by Fred. Our bodies fit together like two puzzle pieces, his hair brushing against my forehead as he leans into it. 

When we finally pulled away, gasping as our foreheads pressed against each other, I spoke up once more, a cheeky grin slipping onto my face "It'll be a chocolate wedding cake thought?"

"Of course, anything you want" He whispered, and my eyes flutter open to meet his gaze, his thumbs brushing against my cheeks, the corner of his lips lifting up in a breathtaking smile. Not the mischievous grin he normally had on, but a soft, real smile that made my heard skip a beat. 

"Remember at Bills wedding"

"You have to be specific love" He paused, pressing his lips against my lips before continuing "Are you talking about when I had finally admitted I loved you and asked you to be my girlfriend or when we slipped away from the wedding to have-"

"Fred!" I flush, grinning at him like an idiot, shaking my head at him. Though I remembered it all vividly. He had admitted he was in love with me, though we'd been dating for quite a while before it, and we had slipped away from the party for a while before returning just before a mass chaos had occurred. While we were hiding from the death eaters, he had asked me to be his girlfriend. It seems that big moments in our relationship seem to occur during life threatening moments "No, I mean when you said anyone can wear whatever they want to your wedding?"

"Oh, yes I do, why?" 

"Well, will you wear a suit? A polka dotted one?" I giggle, only half joking, though his eyes light up at the idea, and he presses a light kiss against my forehead, his lips lingering for a second or two before he pulls away, lifting one hand up to tip an imaginary hat toward me.

"Your wish is my command" I burst into laughter, burying my head in the crook of his neck, and his arms move to pull me closer to him. 

"We'll get through this together right? We'll... promise me we'll be ok?" My voice trembled slightly, and he winced. We both knew he couldn't make that promise, but he nodded his head anyway. 

"I... I promise. We'll get through this together ok?" He whispers, his fingers running through my hair. Opening my mouth to mutter something else, I'm cut off by a blood curdling scream that rings out from near us, and we pull away, our wands already raised and our eyes searching for the source. 

Pushing up from the ground, I stand up and peak over the boulder we were chiding behind, and duck just as a hex hurtles past us, hitting the wall and fizzling out after a flash of sparks light up the dark corner we had found. 

Fred pulls me towards him, cautiously standing up before grabbing my hand and helping me up, both of us scuttling towards a pillar that was still standing, both of us hiding behind it before he turns to me, fear swirling in those mesmerising eyes"(Y/n)... (Y/n) I love you. I love you more than I've ever loved anything in my entire life and I just want you to know-"

I cut him off, pressing a light kiss to his cheek I open my mouth to say something when there's a yell, a flash of bright green light and a split second of sharp pain before everything fell away. It was odd, like my hold on life had suddenly slipped out of my hands, and I don't have time to say or do anything before I'm slipping into darkness.

When I had opened my eyes, I was in a long, bright corridor. A Hogwarts corridor, but incredibly clean and white, and just not the same. It had taken a few minutes of disorientation before what had happened finally dawned on me, and my leg's suddenly gave out and I collapse on the floor. 

I didn't feel it at first, hadn't even realised that I had been crying until my body shook with sobs, and I only pause when I feel a hand on my shoulder. 

Looking up, I blink away the tears and try to focus on the blurry blob above me before letting out a gasp and grabbing the outstretched hand, only pulling away once I'm standing, my eyes furrowed in confusion, and tears still streaming down my face.

"Fred?" I pause, screwing my eyes shut and rubbing them before opening them to stare at him again, worrying it was just a figment of my imagination "Fred what... Fred your... your here?!" I throw my arms around him, my body still trembling from sobbing. 

"Hey, hey I'm here. I'm here" He whispers, holding my close to him.

"I love you. I love you so, so much Fred. How... how are you here?! Are you... are we..." I trail off, not wanting to say it, but knowing it my heart that I was really dead. 

"Now's not the time to talk about it, we can do that later. We have all the time in the universe now love" His voice was barely above a whisper before he leant down and pressed his lips against mine in a tender kiss. It doesn't last too long, just long enough that I know it's real, to know this was really Fred Weasley, and our hands find each other, our fingers lacing together. 

"I promised you we'd get through it together, didn't I?" He offered weakly, and I let out a short chuckle, shaking my head. 

"This wasn't what I expected, but we're together now, we're together and I love you and I-" He cuts my rambling off with a deep chuckle that makes me relax, all my worries once again falling away. 

"We're still getting married right?" I end up asking, and he grins, nodding his head like a giddy child. 

"Of course, we'll have a chocolate cake and I'll have a polka dotted suit and we'll be together and that's all I need" He pulled me closer, unlacing our fingers together to wrap his arms around my wist and pressing his forehead against my own. 

"What, all you need is a chocolate cake and a polka dotted suit?" I joke, but he just smiles softly at me, looking at me as though I were the most beautiful thing in the whole universe, and I could feel my insides turning to jelly, those pesky butterfly's making me feel like a school girl with a crush. 

"No, all I need is you, love" 

"And all I need is you, Fred" 

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