Draco X Reader.

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"Watch" My friend nudges me with a sly smile, one that made her eyes twinkle in mischief as she shoved a spoonful of raspberry and ginger root jelly into her mouth and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion at the black haired young witch. 

"Watch what Parkinson?" I mumble in confusion, looking at the jelly with my nose screwed up in disgust, numerous glazed over lake water fish eyeballs staring back at me. I had no idea how Pansy ate such food, for the eyeballs staring at me ruined my appetite. However, I do have to admit that it wasn't as disgusting as the salted caramel and frog leg cupcakes. 

But, I have to admit most of the other food in this school was actually really good. 

"Draco" She whispered after swallowing her food, the corners of her eyes crinkling in amusement as she watches the blonde haired boy sitting a few people away from us. 

As annoying and immature as he was, Draco was not just smart but also mostly well mannered and rather good looking which made it so hard to dislike him especially because of how close Pansy was to him but the young wizard was just so purposely awkward that I found it hard to like him or even tolerate him. Wether it for the sake of my best friend or because I was partnered with him which unfortunately happened more frequently than I first thought. 

"Why are we watching Draco?" I whisper in a hushed tone, bitterness leaking into my tone and causing Pansy to let out a sigh, carefully lowering her fork to the table and turning to me with a raised eyebrow. 

"Just watch will you, you'll like this prank. He's going to make a FOOL of himself" I could hear the glee and pride in her voice and though she was close to Draco, I knew that she loved these small little pranks and I could tell that Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle were involved because they were all leaning forward in their seats and gazing at Draco far too curiously that normal. 

I look over at Draco and watch as he picks up his goblet of pumpkin juice and he takes a quick sip before lowering it to the table and looking at his friends with a raised eyebrow "What? What's so interesting?" His voice was snappy, but genuinely filled with curiosity. 

"So... who's your crush?" I hear Goyle drawl out a grin spreading across his face as he plays with the food on his plate with a knowing look. 

"What? Did you give him a truth potion?" I whisper into Pansy's ear and she shakes her head, a wicked grin playing her lips as she watches the scene, a finger twirling some black hair around.

"I don't have one" Draco shrugs the question off with a sneer he usually saved for either me or pretty much anyone who unfortunately got sorted into Gryffindor. I mean, I'd never been fond of them but I didn't needlessly bully or insult them like quite a few Slytherins did but I must say, sometimes they do bring it upon themselves when they think they're being brave by continuing the fights and 'sticking up' for other people. 

But when they have a reaction to the bullying, they'll keep bullying you. I learned early on that if someone tried to get a reaction from you, you never give it to them but not a lot of people realised this. 

"Well this prank sucks then, he's acting normally" I place my fork down on my empty plate as I speak up, standing up and grabbing my bag from under the table before offering Pansy a small smile "I'm going to head to the library to get some books for-" I'm rather rudely cut off. 

"For what? Hiding in the library again?" Draco sneers, his lips tilted up at the corners in amusement as he needlessly stirs up trouble, his bright blue eyes twinkling when I ball my hands into fists. 

Instead of continuing the fight, I let out a breath, un-balling my hands and giving him a small, very fake smile "Sure, to hide. I'll see you later" I look over at Pansy for the last bit of it and she nods, her lips pursed and her eyebrows narrowed. A sign she was deep in thoughts so I don't bother to continue talking to her, instead I spin on my heel and narrowly avoid going straight through nearly headless nick who tips his head to me. 

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