Harry X Reader.

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This is a request from @Cocoa_Cupcake :), if anyone has any requests please tell me and I'll happily do them for you. 


"I can't believe he said that to you" Ron groans as he flops on one of the couches with his eyebrows furrowed in anger, but even led down with his head buried in the cushions, he still continues his rant. Though most of his words are muffled, so we have to guess a few words "I mean what have we ever done to him? He just hates us because we're in Gryffindor!" 

"Well, he's always hated Harry and you DO have a habit of talking back Ron" I point out, sitting down on the couch opposite Ron, and soon enough - speak of the devil and he shall appear. Harry and Hermione (Who I suppose had just come back from potions after having to clean up the mess) both took a seat - Hermione on the big armchair beside Ron and Harry next to me on the two seater couch. 

"What's this about?" Harry asks, sinking into the sofa with a small smile, though he did look quite tense as he spoke - probably still annoyed about the confrontation with Snape during potions who really does hate us all. 

"He's a bloody nightmare" Ron shakes his head "They couldn't have picked a worse professor" He then adds, pushing himself over so he was led on his side looking at us all. 

"Well I suppose he did have a point because-" Hermione was cut off by Ron who let out a groan before once again face planting on the couch - and we all heard Hermione muttering about how much of an immature wizard he was. 

"Are you ok? After that I mean?" I turn to Harry, tilting my head to the side as I wait for an answer, and he looks at me with those big green eyes that I'd always adored and nodded his head slowly "Yeah, yeah. I suppose I deserved it" He sighed, and I let out a huff of frustration. 

He always did that - always assumed he deserved it when he didn't. Though Ron was helping him gain a big of confidence, because I suppose Ron did have to much. 

"Nope, no. Don't you dare" I open my arms out, raising an eyebrow at him when he just looks at me in confusion, his eyebrows furrowed and his lips pursed as he watches me, only for him to throw himself into my arms with a grin. 

"Ten a day, EVERYONE needs ten hugs a day. It helps with your serotonin levels" I point out, and though Hermione nods her head in agreement, both Harry and Ron look at me as though I were stupid - something I ignore as I hold Harry in my arms. 

"Yeah Hermione" Ron sits up, opening his arms out for a hug but she just shoots him a glare before slouching in her seat - obviously still angry about both Snape and Ron throwing himself around like a small child. But he just shrugs, calling over to Dean and Seamus playing wizard chess in the corner of the room "AY ONE OF YOU TWO NEEDS TO HUG ME! IT'S GOOD FOR SERANINE LEVELS!"

"Serotonin" I mutter, but Ron just shrugs his shoulder, grinning at the two boys in the corner who give each other playful grins before they both dart over to Ron - racing to get there first. Seamus is the first one to get there, but instead of wrapping his arms around Ron, he throws himself onto the ginger boy, and Dean is quick to follow so they were both led on poor Ron who really wasn't expecting it at all.

Then, as though they knew their brother was being attacked, the twins stepped into the common room with Lee Jordon, and upon spotting his brother gasping for air under Seamus and Dean - sprinted over and threw themselves on top of all three of the fifth year boys who ALL let out gasps of pain. 

I chuckle, shaking my head and attempting to pull away from Harry only, he let's out a whine before snuggling closer to me - so I just end up led on my back with Harry curled into my side, his arms wrapped around me with his head buried in the crook of my neck, which I have to admit is adorable. Running my fingers through his messy brown hair, I cast my gaze to the boys who were trying to unstack themselves from the human sandwich, most of them laughing except Ron who was gasping for breath, holding his ribs and glaring at the boys who were now rolling around on the floor.

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