Fred x Reader

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My gaze wanders across the great hall. 

Hundreds of students sat gossiping and idling before lessons started, most of them stuffing their faces and a few mumbling with half chewed food still in their gobs. 

I just loved the house system, well I did. Previously. 

Something about being around people just like you screamed amazing - people who understood you, who acted like you, who you could relate to. 

Until I was put into a house where I didn't fit in. 


A Malfoy in Gryffindor - It was unheard of. 

My parents blamed me, told me they were ashamed of me but there was nothing I could do. The sorting hat debated between the two houses and I whispered to be put in Slytherin but alas, it appears a grudge was placed upon me. 

At first, I was hated. Not only by my house but Slytherin - they thought I ditched them or begged to be in the wretched house but after about a year, I snapped.

I became ruthless.

Much like my brother, I was feared. 

But while he was into petty bullying, I never once harmed a single hair on someone's head that was innocent but I believed that those who deserve it get's what is coming. 

Slytherin then adopted me, heck Snape even allowed me to hang out in their common room when my brother was sorted and I became a cold hearted, ruthless bitch. 

All because of the house I was sorted in. 

It changed me, I stopped being the carefree, giggly girl. Instead I became a stone cold bitch all so Slytherin would accept me. 

I became a prefect for Gryffindor too, and on the quidditch team but my loyalties ended there. 

"Here comes the Slytherin queen, quivver in your boots" Fine, not everyone feared me. There were two people in this damn school that seemed to think I was an immature little girl instead of the strong, fearless personality I always portrayed. 

"Aw, is kitten gonna go mewl to her mum" Fred started with a mocking look on his face. 

"and her dad" George added as I peacefully sat in the common room with a quill in one hand and my parchment for potions in the other. 

"Would you two dimwits go bother someone else" I snap, pushing some of my perfectly curled platinum hair out of my face, giving them a hard glare. 

"Nope" They say at the same time, flopping across the couch opposite me in a carefree manner. 

I look back down at my parchment, continuing to write.

The scratching on the parchment was the only thing that could be heard besides the flickering of the fire in the deserted common room but eventually, one of them gave into temptation. 

"What's the ice queen writing now?" 

"Homework" I snap, getting rather annoyed with the pair now. 

I don't look up, continuing to write the essay that was set this morning. I HAD to keep my grades up. The disappointed looks my mum gave me broke my heart and my dad's verbal abuse wasn't something I enjoyed either. 

Nothing was worth the risk of getting caught or ruining my grades. 

"Why were you even sorted into this house?" 

A few seconds later, after I refused to answer, they decided to ask another question after giving each other this amused look. I guess being twins meant non-verbal conversations were a piece of cake. 

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