Blaise x Reader.

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"No way" I shake my heads at the grinning pair in front of me "I don't know what you want but honestly, I don't care either. I got a week's worth of detentions from Snape so no." I shake my head once more, just to get my point across.

"Come one" Fred whines, shaking my shoulder.

"Please, for us?" George tries to give me the best puppy dog face he could but I wasn't buying any of it.

"No guys, i'm serious. The time before that, you both ditched me to get caught by Dumbledor himself" I roll my eyes at the pair, packing up the parchment and books that were sprawled across the table in the library. 

"We won't ditch you!" Fred exclaims, wildly throwing his arms in the air and I give him a playful glare.

"We promise!" George mutters.

"I don't trust either of you" I point out, scrunching up my nose as I close one of the musty old books, dust flying up in my face.

This was why I didn't like studying here, and I had no idea how Hermione did it for fun. 

Well, I suppose she is from the muggle world and it is rather interested about learning everything there is to know about the magical world but I'm getting rather out of context here. 

"Please, it's on the Slytherin boys, please!" Fred begs and I let out a sigh.

"My final word is NO! I will not do something so stupid and reckless!" I shove my books into my bag, storming past the two frowning red heads.


"I can't believe I'm doing this" I groan, running a hand through my curls as I glare at the twins who were setting everything up. 

"Ok, on the count of ten you set off the fireworks and we'll make sure the boys make it here" Fred reminds me and I let out a sigh, nodding my head. 

"Yeah, yeah whatever" I almost whisper, rolling my eyes and looking around the corner as the twins dart around it towards the door to the Slytherin common room. 

It was silent for a while until I heard a massive boom and I look around the corner - my eyes widening.

A group of about five boys darted after the twins, Draco Malfoy leading them. 

One of them were taken out as a bucket of slime fell on him, causing the poor first year who wanted to follow, to slip, landing on his butt. 

I let out a chuckle as the boys turn the other corner and hide. 


Setting off the fireworks at the enraged Slytherin boys, I spin on my heel and dart down the corridor.

The fireworks were actually a bright explosion of both fireworks and red pain.

That bought me a lot of time to run and it's then I realised something - the boys ditched me. 

I'm not joining next time. 

I bolt down another corridor, turning around a corner only to walk straight into someone, sending us both sprawling across the floor. 

The fireworks may have given me time, but with the sudden bump in the plan, I needed to leave now.

"Oh my merlin! I'm so sorry!" I exclaim, jumping up and offering a hand, hearing the footsteps grow louder. 

Everything was hectic and this is the FINAL straw with the Weasley twins, they bailed on me AGAIN. 

Blaise grabs my hand and I help him up.

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