George X Reader.

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"I was so shocked myself, I just-" Angelina was mid sentence when something hit the back of her head and her whole demeanour changed, anger contorting her features as she turns but as she catches sight of a certain ginger haired boy, the carefree grin she was so fondly known for spread across her face.

I couldn't help but grin at my best friend who was smitten with the boy.

Fred mimed dancing and the girl happily nods her head, a grin adorning her face as she turned to me, a new found giddiness causing her to flush - though with her skin tone you could hardly tell she was blushing.

We both burst into a fit of giggles, keeping quiet so Snape doesn't shout at us, "He just asked you out!" I state the obvious, keeping my voice low and her eyes twinkle.

Angelina looked so happy and despite her being one of my closest friends, I couldn't help but selfishly feel jealous. 

"What's wrong?" She whispers and I sigh, she knew me too well. 

"I don't have a date, I don't think I'll even go." I shake my head, looking up at her and giving her a bright  smile "But I'm really happy your crush asked you" She gives me a sad smile, her hand finding mine under the table and she gives it a short squeeze.

"Who would you want to ask you?" I look over at the twins who were talking with Harry and Ron and Angelina gave me a wicked grin. "George?" I flush, looking at the table and shaking my head.

"No way!" I exclaim, but when a few fry glances flick my way, I lower my head even more, feeling the heat spread across my cheeks in a fiery blaze. 

"Yes way! He'd so go for you, who wouldn't. Your smart and pretty and really chaotic sometimes" She jokes "Exactly his type". Debatable.

"He's never gone for a girl... how do you know his type?" I whisper and she chuckles before sobering up, turning rather serious before her eyes lit up mischievously.

"Didn't you hear?! I heard Cedric is going to ask you though!" She squealed, catching a few people's gazes, including Snape who gave us a harsh glare.

"Girls" He barks out and I flush, looking at the paper but as soon as he's walked away, she turns to me.

"Would you say yes though, I know you like George but...." I cut her off.

"I don't like him like that!" I flush, my whole face was probably bright red. 

"You so do!" She squeals in excitement and Snape walks over to us, forcing us to move apart, away from each other to finish our essays.


I'd said no to Cedric.

He'd asked me out, not in front of other's so I didn't feel bad when I said no. 

But Cho was a friend of mine and I was sure she had a crush on him. Besides, I was holding out. 

However.... tomorrow was the ball and I had no one to go with. 

I had the dress. 

Heck yeah, I had the dress and the heels because I didn't need a date to go - I just wanted one. 

All of my friends had dates so going with friends wasn't an option so it was either I girl up and just ask him or I go by myself.

But George never asked me and I didn't have the courage to ask him, especially after I overheard Hermione saying he had a crush and they all think it's some hufflepuff. 

Yeah, I'm not a really brave person for someone in Gryffindor.

"Fred?" I ask as he passes me in the corridor and he pauses. 

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