Oliver Wood X Reader.

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(Sorry if you're not Slytherin, but this is based around a Slytherin character)


The crowd roared around us in the stands, the usual earsplitting sound boosting my confidence and calming me down. I always loved this part, stood by the locker rooms giving a pep talk to my squad while our house cheered us on from the stands. 

As it was mid September, we had our scarves and jumpers on over our uniform and were all huddled together for a pep talk before we went out on the pitch together. 

"Ok boys, you better do well today" 

"When do we ever-"

"Last practice Bole... you hit a bludger that hit the goal post and rebounded to hit you in the ribs" I state, raising my eyebrows at him and though he opens his mouth to utter a retort, he immediately closes it at the look on my face and so I continue, my arms crossed over my chest "Alright, so remember last year when we played them? Well after last year they've been focusing on their offence so we need to hit their defence hard ok?" 

They nod their heads, and so after a few more minutes of reminding them (Much to their annoyance) about our tactics, I spot Wood lingering by the changing rooms. I think it was the deafening Slytherins chanting our names that boosted my confidence and so I swagger over to him with a smirk resting on my face. This year, this year we were going to beat them. We were going to defeat them - especially now I was captain. 

"Wood, what are you doing here?" It was obvious, he was here to watch for our strategy, but that didn't stop his features to twist up in frustration. His dark eyebrows furrow together and his eyes glaze over in annoyance, something that makes me grin, because he doesn't even answer me "Aw, here to cheer me on? Oh you must wear my colour then" In a second, I'd unravelled my scarf from around my neck and before he could even protest I'd loosely wrapped it around his over the top of his Gryffindor scarf. 

"HEY I-" I cut him off by smirking at him and replying with a sharp "Oh don't worry, I have spares. Keep it, you suit green. You better be cheering wood" Despite me being his most despised rival, he couldn't help but let out a light chuckle, shaking his head. We had a love hate relationship, though it wasn't really me that initiated the hate part of it - he was just very, very competitive.

"Who said I wasn't here to support Ravenclaw?" His accent was thicker, a small smile playing on his lips as he stared at me in amusement. It was moments like this that I felt like we weren't enemies, that maybe... maybe our flirty comments could be something more. 

"Then I'll be awfully upset. I thought you were my number one supporter. You ARE always at all of my matches" I give him a cheeky wink, ignoring my teammates calling my name behind me. I had no doubt they were sneering at us and the only reason they even tolerated me was because not to brag - I was the best quidditch player in my house. 

Also, it didn't help that I was a girl and half the team were sexist and crude. 

Another chuckle falls from his mouth "You best be off then" He nods to the boys behind me who I have no doubt were glaring at him (I could tell by the way Wood was cockily squaring his shoulders and smirking) "Wouldn't want to miss the beginning of the game"

"Defiantly not, that would ruin the whole point of you being here"

"And why am I here?"

"To gawk at me of course" I don't let him react, instead I spin around on my heel and storm over to the boys with a determined look. We were going to win this, we were "Alright, are we ready?" Mounting our brooms, we soar up to our starting positions. 

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