Fred X Reader.

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Having two of your best friends in a different year was hard, really hard. With two years difference between us, I barely had any time with the troublesome twins, and I spent all my time with Ron, Hermione and Harry though they were often on some weird quest or adventure and Hermione loves to rant about how much trouble Harry finds himself in. 

So I tried to spend as much time with the duo as I could.

"Move it" I shove Fred's legs off the arm chair, falling back into the plush cushions and sinking into it's comfort as I watch the twins bickering about a new prank. I wasn't that bothered about it, but I still loved watching them come up with idea's. It was always something awesome.

But this time, they're interrupted by Harry of all people.

"Hey (Y/n)" Harry leans against the side of my chair and smiles down at me, and I hear the twins actually let out a huff when they see him. They're still mad that Harry got into the triwizard tournament and they couldn't even enter, so I understood their irritation. 

"Heya" I chirp, reaching up to pluck the parchment out of his hand and he let's out a chuckle, shaking his head at me as I read about.... Mermaids? Why mermaids? "What's this about?"

"I figured out what the egg meant" He grins, puffing his chest out in pride and I burst into laughter as he continues "It's about the black lake, I'm sure of it!" He unconsciously ruffles up his already messy black hair and I shake my head, re-reading the notes and nodding my head. 

"Ok, so what, your feeding the squid for the next task?" I ask, handing the parchment back to him and picking up my wand from the side table next to me and relighting the fire in the common room as I notice it was put out for some reason, a chilly breeze making me shiver and Harry must have noticed, the boy unwrapping his scarf from around his neck and passing it to me with a small smile, and I accept it, wrapping the scarf around me and chuckling as he starts ranting about what idea's he's got for the triwizard tournament. 

I notice Fred's gaze, his eyes flitting between the two of us before lingering on the scarf around my neck, but before I could speak up Harry nudges my shoulder and I look up into his eyes with a small smile "You know how the yule ball is in a week?" I just nod my head.

"Are you going with anyone?" Harry asks, his head tilted to the side and I chuckle, shaking my head. 

"Nope, which reminds me, dancing lessons tomorrow" I chuckle and Fred speaks up from next to George, a glare directed at Harry. Its an action that makes me furrow my eyebrows because I understood their irritation but glaring at him? Is that necessary? He didn't even put his name in the goblet, so why are the twins so mad?

"Are you going with anyone Harry?" The corners of Fred's lips tilt up when Harry flushes and looks at the floor, a clear sign he didn't have a date. And that made me furious. 

"Shut it Fred, you'll find a great girl" I let out a huff at Fred before aiming the last bit at Harry with a bright smile, and he grins back down at me, opening his mouth to say something when Fred jumps up and storms up to the boys dorm with a sour look on his face.

George, who looked between his brothers retreating figure and me with a frown stood up and offered me a pitifully weak smile before following his angered twin. All I did was tell him to shut it, and I do that more than I should and he's never gotten upset about it. 

"Hey, don't worry about it" Harry smiles lightly "Tomorrow will be fun, can you imagine Ron dancing with one of the girls?" He was right, that's what took over my thoughts and I couldn't help but laugh. Ron didn't know the first thing about girls, but I guess he does live with five brothers so that would explain it. 

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