Pansy X Reader (Part 1)

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**Reader is Blaise's best friend (Draco X Blaise) Some probably intimate moments, so I apologise if that's not for you. There's a part 2 I'm currently writing because I realised how long this chapter would be with both parts :)**

All I'd been doing was complaining to Blaise about life with my head in his lap and body led across the sofa when Blaise decided to stop me ranting (Mainly about how annoying Pansy was and how distracting she was in lesson) by letting out an overdramatic sign, shaking his head at me. 

"(Y/n)?" I look up at Blaise, raising an eyebrow at him, and so he continues, a sly smile twisting his lips up. I narrow my eyes, but listen anyway "Ever thought maybe you're crushing on her, and that's why you're being all weird?" He continues running his fingers through my hair and I ponder the thought. 

Could I?

Absolutely not, she was a nightmare. 

"Blaise darling, ever thought maybe you should one, mind your own business and two, admit that you really do have a crush on Malfoy" I retort, reaching up squeeze his cheeks together so he looked as though he were imitating a fish, but he doesn't bother moving, instead raising his eyebrows at me utterly unimpressed. 

"It was just an idea (Y/n) dear" He huffed out, rolling his eyes and flicking my ear. I let out a whine of pain, opening my mouth to say something, but Draco plops down on the green leather armchair facing us and gives us both a mischievous grin. 

But something was wrong with that look, and while he gave Blaise a warm smile, the look he was giving me could freeze lava. Icy much, ouch.

"Draco sweetie!" Pansy throws himself into his lap, and Draco wraps his arms around her waist, continuing to give me a chilling smile, one that, despite me being rather obnoxious sometimes, I don't think I actually deserve. 

"So lovebirds" Draco's lips twist up into a smirk "When's the wedding?"

I look up at Blaise, and he looks down at me, and it's silent for a split second before we burst into a roaring laughter. One that causes me to roll off the sofa and onto the floor with a thud. That seems to sober me up somewhat, and I sit up, and with the help of Blaise, stand up before plopping back down onto the sofa. 

"Blaise and I? Seriously? One, ewwww" I whine, screwing my nose up childishly and nudging him with my shoulder before smirking deviously "Two, I'm realllly not his type" Both Draco and Pansy raise their eyebrows and gaze at us in confusion, and I open my mouth to elaborate but Blaise nudges me. 

"(Y/n) dear, I love you but shut the fuck up" he huffs, before pointing behind Draco and Pansy, his eyes sparkling "Hey look, it's your girlfrienddd" Blaise sings, and my gaze narrows on him. 

"What?!" Draco and Pansy follow his gaze, and Draco screws his nose up in disgust "Are you suggesting the giant squid and (Y/n)?" He raised an eyebrow "How much have you had to drink Blaise?"

"Nothing yet, the party is tonight" He shrugs, before smirking at me "Besides, she was pulling kissy faces at the squid last time I came into the common room" He shrugged, and my whole face heats up in embarrassment. In my defence, it wasn't AT the squid. I was practicing the 'pouty face' as one of my friends had told me about in the reflection of the glass, and Blaise just so happened to see and now makes jokes about me and the giant squid. 

"Wait, you're into girls?" Pansy asks "He said girlfriend." She adds on, raising an eyebrow at me and tucking some of her dark hair behind her ear and I flush, turning to Blaise with my eyes narrowed "Blaise, I'm going to murder you!"

He blanches "Well... it was... it was a joke anyway!" He stammers out, and I let out a groan, throwing my head back and screwing my eyes shut. 

"You ARE into girls!" Draco exclaims, wide eyed before letting out a chuckle and shaking his head as though he'd just realised something, before offering me a cheeky grin "Interested in anyone in Slytherin?" That stupid smirk doesn't leave his face, and I give him a deadpan look. 

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