Fred X Reader (Part 1)

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((We're going to pretend Fred and George are in the year above, and Harry and co are in Ginny's year for the sake of not having a ridiculous age gap) Also an extremely long only part one that is unedited, which I'll probably get around to, I hope you enjoy <3)

The morning air seemed crisp, and despite the frigid temperatures that made my teeth chatter together, the sun had only just began creeping out from behind the clouds. Hogwarts was beautiful on days like this, the snow that crunched beneath my shoes were sparkling in the morning sun, giving a whole new meaning to it's brilliant white colour. 

I could see other students meandering about before classes, nearly everyone in multiple layers of uniform all proudly wearing their house scarfs. Well, almost everyone, I could see Hannah Abbott with a thick Gryffindor scarf wrapped around her neck in the corner of the large quad, Neville stood in front of her with a sheepish grin as he spoke quite animatedly with her. Since our third year, I'd been quite envious of Neville, he had quite a round face but he somehow had this charm about him that had convinced my best friend into attending the yule ball with him the year before, though I will admit they both looked amazing together in all of the photos, not that anyone would be good enough for her. 

She was amazing, and while we were only ever just best friends, I could appreciate how talented, beautiful and smart she was. Ginny had everyone on their knees at all times, which I can definitely understand, but there was no way that anyone was worth her time, even her obsessive crush Harry Potter. He was attractive, undeniably, but he just didn't appreciate Ginny for anything which as her best friend, I couldn't ever possibly appreciate him for. 

Which got me onto this mornings topic - the chosen one. 

"Do you think he'll ever ask me out?" Ginny asked, biting her lip as she stared at him throwing snowballs with Ron, both looking red faced and dishevelled from the amount of running around they were doing "That's it, I'm completely done with him, he isn't worth it, oh that reminds me, there's a party in the abandoned charms room on Friday, I was talking to melissa and-"

"I don't know how you always seem to know about everything going on" I chuckle, watching as she gazed at Harry with a weird glazed over expression. I wouldn't deny it, when they talk there is chemistry there, but he's so undeniably oblivious. Though so was Ginny as she fawned over Harry, so I leant down and scooped up some snow as subtly as I possibly could, the snow melting slightly and causing my wool gloves to stick uncomfortably to my skin. Without thinking, I pulled her jumper back slightly from her neck and stuffed the snow in, a grin pulling at my lips. 

When I tell you I've never heard a screech that loud as she frantically patted at her clothes, turning to me with a wicked grin, scooping up some snow as her fiery hair swung around her shoulders "Oh no you didn't" 

Just before spinning on my heel and bolting, in the sassiest tone I could muster I mumble "Oh yes I did" in a singsong kind of way before running for my life. She lobbed the snow at me with such force I let out a scream as it hit the back of my head, and suddenly there was snow flying everywhere around me. How she was so quick in making and throwing snowballs, I had no idea. 

"GINNY! CAN I WAVE A WHITE FLAG?!" My voice carries around the quad, students staring and laughing, some shaking their heads at us as we sprinted from the courtyard into a corridor. My breathing was becoming much shallower, my body beginning to pant as I realise how unfit I was, but that didn't deter me. 

"ABSOLUTELY NOT, I HAVE SNOW FOR YOU" I take a peak over my shoulder and see the mountain of snow in her hands, bits falling off the top as she follows me with a scarily big grin on her face. 

As I was taking that peak, I hadn't realise there was a group of students in front of me, and without realising I had barrelled straight into Fred, George and a few of their friends, sending us all flying into the stone floor like bowling pins. 

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