Young!Remus X reader.

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I would like to say I wrote this over two years ago - I need to edit it so I apologise that it's not the greatest writing in the world and insanely long but I will fix it!! Just wanted to publish it for now, now that I'm rereading the HUNDREDS of unpublished stories I've half written!

If anyone had any requests at all, I'm happy with any :)


"Remus?" I ask, looking up from my book with a tilt of my head and he looks up from the homework he'd been set that day with a raised eyebrow. 

"Are you ok?"

"Oh yeah... yeah I'm ok I was just wondering-" I cut myself off, cringing and shaking my head "It's nothing" In a few seconds, I'd slammed my book closed and stuffed it in my bag before standing up. 

"What's wrong?" He jumps up in confusion, almost knocking over his ink pot in the process but he catches it before a single drop is even spilled and he furrows hie eyebrows at me. 

"Nothing" I'm quick to reply as I sling my bag over my shoulder and push my chair in "Just remembered something, I'll talk to you later?" And I'm gone before he can utter a word in response. 


Just as I take a seat next to Remus for breakfast, a voice calls out to me and I look over my shoulder, almost wincing and rolling my eyes but I hold it back, smiling lightly at Lucius. 

"Have you been invited to Slughorns christmas party next week?" He asks and I swivel around on the bench so I'm facing him. 

"Uh-" He cuts me off before I can answer, assuming I hadn't. 

"Then do me the honours of being my date?" 

I was almost certain this was a dare. 

But it didn't care, I hated being rude. 

I subtly glance at the Maruaders for help, but Sirius and James are too busy pissing themselves with laughter and Peter just looks too afraid to help. 

And Remus, he was just watching with a tilted head and furrowed eyebrows. 

"Uh... well.... you see" Everyone knew I had problems saying no to things. 

I don't even know why. 

"Well?" He prompts and I sigh, about to tell him that I was in fact invited myself and planned to go alone because I didn't have the nerve to ask the guy I like, but Remus (Thank merlin) steps in. 

"Sorry Malfoy, but she's been invited herself and before you ask her to be your date anyway" Remus huffs out, keeping his voice steady "She's already promised me. But thank you"

"She has her own voice" Lucius snarls and I shake my head. 

"I really am sorry Lucius, but I did promise Remus"

"You hesitated!" He snaps "Your lying"

"They really aren't" Sirius shrugs "They are going as dates" I flush at how cocky Sirius sounded for he and James knew of my crush. 

"Fine" He storms off in a huff and I let out a sigh of relief, sitting down at the table the right way around and throwing my arms around Remus who carefully wraps his arms around me in return. 

"Thank you thank you!" I exclaim. 

"You really need to learn how to say no" Remus mutters "You're going to find yourself in really awkward situations otherwise"

I pull away, a playful glare on my face "Well, I feel bad. Besides, you'll always be there to save me" I wink before looking over at Lily who was sat between Alice and Sirius. 

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