Valentines Draco x reader.

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This is another one from Anna! :), she's such an awesome writer and you defiantly need to go and check out her other books xx (Especially if you like Loki, Sherlock or Alastor).


It seemed your day couldn't get any weirder. Not only was it valentines at Hogwarts but it was the flower at breakfast, a f/f... your favourite, in your usual spot at the Gryffindor table with your name attached to it on a pink note. Ron warned it was probably from Pansy knowing she'd do anything to embarrass you. It didn't stop you from keeping it in your ear all day. 

Next was getting chocolate frogs in a heart shaped box, all the cards in a separate envelope, and all of the cards being the ones you were needing for your collection! A little extra thing was all the frogs had piped on chocolate bows. Whoever had done this definitely took the time to do this.

Finally was the letter. During lunch your tawny owl swooped down in between you and Harry. It looked awfully smug, holding an envelope with your name written on it.

"What's got you like that?" It chirped a few times before clambering up your arm and onto your shoulder. 

"It's probably from your admirer~" Harry teased making you chuckle and punch his arm playfully.

"Shut it, Potter," peeling back the flap of the letter you lay eyes on the carefully written note. Simplistic and cute.Dear Y/n,I'm not sure how to start this except Happy valentines. Yes, I put that flower there this morning, yes, I sent those chocolate, let me say this: it was an absolute pain.-You were suddenly cut off when someone snatched the letter from your hands."Hey!" You spin to see Pansy cackling.

"Aww, L/n wrote herself a love letter!" Your owl seemed to try and nip at the girls fingers making her scoff in annoyance.

"I didn't write that letter! I don't even know who it's from," her shrill made you scowl and calm your tense owl.

"Give it back, Pansy," Hermione stands up from her seat as threateningly as possible."No," after her response Harry stood up along with Ron to back up the bright witch. 

"Oh! So scary," her very own goons snicker as she looks down at the letter. "Let's read this out loud,""Wait-""Dear Y/n, I'm not sure how to start this except Happy valentines. Yes, I put that flower there this morning, yes, I sent those chocolate, let me say this: it was an absolute pain. I've been meaning to do something like this since the beginning of the year but I never got around to it. You have every right to reject me, I mean we don't talk that much so it won't make much of difference... but I hope you'll be my valentine? Love, Draco Malfoy," 

"W-what?" As the girls held back their obnoxious laughs you took the letter back as they failed to keep in the screeches.

"Draco?! You are desperate!" Pansy wipes away fake tears and ruffles your hair. "I feel so bad for you! He would never like someone like you! Let's be honest here," her squad nod in agreement making your confused look turn sad.

"Hey, shut up, Y/n could get any guy she'd want!" Ron wraps an arm around you."Yeah," Harry and Hermione support you as Crabbe walks up to the situation which had gained eyes from the entire hall.

"Pansy," Parkinson looks to Crabbe with a smug look. As he leans into her ear and whispers a message her face drops immediately."What?!" You all jump in fright. "Ugh!" She pushes you to the side and storms off out the hall."What the..." her goons run after her as Crabbe awkwardly tips back and forth on his heels "He wants to meet you at the wooden bridge"

"Uhm... yeah, ok," gripping the letter tighter Ron held you back. 

"You don't have to go"

"Knowing Malfoy, it's a trap," Harry grumbles and eyes Crabbe who snatched a first year ravenclaws muffin.

"It could be... but it's worth a shot," Hermione seemed to be the only one understanding and nudges you forward to the hall entrance."If I die I hope you avenge me!" You say as dramatically as possible.

"I promise!" Harry drops to his knees and pretends to reach out to you as Ron fake sobs into his shoulder.

"Idiots," Hermiones mumbles with a smile.


"I heard the great Draco Malfoy wanted to meet a peasant like me?" Draco jumps and turns to face you."L/n," you smirk and lean against a banister.

"If what you said in the letter was true then you should maybe start using my first name"

"R-right, sorry," It was odd to see this side of Draco, usually he was rude, snarky, prideful and mean... not to you, more to Harry and the others. That was another reason you were a bit unsure about returning feelings."It's weird,""What's weird?""Seeing you nervous," you tease making him scoff and return to his normal act. Though you seemed to shrink when a smirk plastered his face subtly.

"Cant blame a guy for getting nervous around the most beautiful witch in this wretched place," silence passes as your face glows a bright red which makes him chuckle."Shut up, Draco," he rubs the back of his neck before stuffing his hand into his robe pockets."So... did you like the chocolates and flower?" 

"I loved it... thank you," he gives a soft smile which made you melt. "How did you know that f/f was my favourite?""I spent an entire afternoon with Looney lovegood-" he stops his sentence when you gave a disapproving glance. "Sorry... I spent an afternoon with Luna to get that information..."

"Did she talk about the Grindylows?"

"Yes! Did you know they're rated xx even though they're extremely aggressive?"

"I did not know that," Draco combs back his hair and smiles.

 "What about the cards? How did you know I needed those ones?""I asked Granger," your face dropped in surprise. "I know I was surprised too,"

"If you went though all that trouble then yes,"


"Yes, I will be your valentines," you gave the blonde a quick kiss on the cheek before walking away. "Oh! And you better stop being such a dick to everyone!" You call back, not catching the quick and rapid nod he gave.

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