Pansy X Reader (Part 2)

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**Quite a bit of intimate scenes. Seriously - if that stuff isn't for you, I would skip this chapter**

Pansy giggles as she throws herself onto my bed, and on wobbly feet, I stumble slightly as the door clicks shut behind me. I couldn't help but be proud that we had barely made any noise, and while silently congratulating myself, I hadn't realise Pansy had stripped down to her underwear, and upon looking over at her, my jaw had dropped. 

"You... we..." I slur, trying so badly to put my thoughts into words, but instead end up wobbling over to the bed, the corners of my lips tilting up in a wicked grin, because... well, Pansy Parkinson was sprawled across my bed only in a black, lacy two piece. 

"Well?" She cooed, leaning forward to grab the front of my shirt before tugging me towards her. I just froze, my lips parted slightly out of shock as I watched, desire washing over me as she ran her fingers up my arms and down my chest before they gripped the hem of my shirt. A coy smile spread across her lips, and she tugged on the hem of my shirt once more "Can I?"

"Yes... I... yes." I blurt out, raising my arms so she could pull the shirt off, and it quickly finds it way to the floor, and I roll over and push myself up with my forearms as I drape myself across Pansy, our bare skin rubbing together making me let out a shiver as her fingers run up my sides and across my chest before looping around my neck and pulling me down so our lips meet. 

This kiss was fervid, and there was a hint of desperation as our tongues fought for dominance, and Pansy just tasted so bloody good. Like dark chocolate and fire whiskey and it was so freaking addicting. I could hardly get enough, and even as we broke away for air, it was only for a few seconds before we leant back in another mind sizzling, skin tantalising kiss. 

When we next leant apart, both trying to catch our breaths, she took it to her advantage and rolled us over so she was on top, offering me a sly smirk that made my hair stand up on end and a gasp to involuntarily leave my lips. 

"(Y/n)" She mumbled, leaning down and pressing feathery kisses down my neck only stopping when she reached a part in-between my neck and shoulder that made my breath catch in my throat. I could feel her smirk, her teeth grazing over the skin, but she seemed annoyed when I didn't even make a squeak, and nibbled slightly. It felt like she was experimenting, her teeth clamping down before she sucked on the skin. Her tongue trailed across my collarbone it had me whining for more, and only then did she start to nibble again. 

As soon as she had pulled away, I had rolled us back over so I was on top, and without missing a beat, I had leant down and pressed my lips on the area of skin between her shoulder and neck. My teeth grazed her skin ever so lightly across her shoulder, and every so often I had stopped to give her a hickey. 

Each time she let out a low groan, my breath hitched slightly, and I could feel myself getting extremely turned on as her fingertips trailed across my hip and bare stomach, and at one point, she had even unclasped my bra, shoving me away slightly to take it off entirely before throwing it to the ground. 

She gave me a seductive grin, tilting her head to the side slightly as she explored my bare body before grabbing each of my wrists in her hands, bringing them up above both our heads, and before I had realised what had happened, she'd rolled us over and pinned me to the bed. 

"Pansy you-"

"Shhh" She pressed her lips to mine lightly, pulling away before I could deepen the kiss, and I let out a whine, bucking slightly to try and get out of her grip so I could pull her bra off, but she had my hands pinned above my head in a grip that I knew I couldn't possibly get out. 

Only when I was begging did she finally lean back down and kiss me, and I couldn't have possibly been happier. 


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