Seamus X Reader.

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"How are you-" Seamus cuts me off with a killer smile, pushing one of the sleeves of his white shirt up so they were both rolled up past his elbow.

"You know me" He winks at me, chaos shining in those bright eyes as he continues "You go with Neville-" Seamus lowers his voice, leaning closer to my ear -"I know you can handle yourself" He brings a hand up to cup my cheek, running his thumb in a light circle that calmed all of the jitters. 

But there was a bittersweet silence, and I wanted more than anything to lean in and press my lips to his, to dust those unspoken words off and tell him that he meant more to me than we were. He was my everything, but the moment was cut off by Neville telling us we needed to get this done soon. 

Sighing, he moves his hand from my cheek to ruffle my hair before him and Cho Chang part ways from us, and the silence began to suffocate me, panic finally setting in as to what was happening. 

"What do you think is going to happen tonight?" We lean over the bannister, watching the flashing lights and burning quiddich fields with frowns. It was late enough that just a year or two ago our only worry would have been staying out past curfew and now we were getting ready, as mere students, to fight against an army of adults who had already lived their childhood. It seemed unfair they were taking ours away. 

"We're going to win" And yet he sounded so unsure as he looked over at me "After this, you're going to finally tell Seamus, right?" I knew it was his way of lightening the mood, but it just made my chest tighten further.

"If we both make it"

"We're going to make it (Y/n)" He reached out to put a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it lightly before dropping it at the sound of screaming. We both turn to the thousands of people running at us and tears burn my eyes as we stand with our wands raised, hoping that this forcefield is enough to save us. 

"Come on firestarter" I mumble seamus' nickname, my eyes narrowing. Even if he doesn't do this in time, I was going to make sure that they wouldn't get in to Hogwarts. To make sure that these people never get anywhere near my friends. When the first few people turned to blue ash, I think both our confidences skyrocketed as Neville mocked them, and I even got cocky enough to put a hand on my hip, grinning wickedly as that mischief returned to me. 

Watching the forcefield disintegrate into ash, burning right in front of us, I grabbed Nevilles hand as soon as the leader screamed, running at us "Neville! We HAVE TO HOPE SEAMUS HAS DONE!" As we fire spells back and forth, and putting our entire trust in him, we both fire spells at the wood, hearing the splintering and screams that were ringing in our ears. 

"Neville!""(Y/n)!" Ginny and Seamus screamed, and I reach out for anything at all to grab onto, my arm catching on a piece of wood that hadn't collapsed, both Neville and I hanging onto the wood. 

"Are you ok?" He asks, as he pushes his wand over the top of the wood, turning to me before pulling himself up as soon as I nod my head at him, my body trying to drag me down into the abyss below me, my arms burning in pain. 

"Well, that went well" He pulls himself up, and I couldn't hear their responses but the next thing I knew Seamus was screaming my name, the agony in his voice bringing tears to my eyes as Neville leans over to pull me up, but I couldn't reach his hand, my vision blurry from the tears as I hang onto the wood that was beginning to crack. 

I vaguely saw Neville pushed out of the way as Seamus leant over, but he couldn't reach me either and there was a mad panic to help me up, and finally after help from Dean, Ginny, Neville and him I'm finally tugged up onto the ledge, my entire body shaking. 

"I mean... are Neville and I not utter badasses?" I ask, and we all burst into laughter as Seamus pulls me into his lap, both of us curling into each other, and I finally noticed how much he was shaking himself as he runs his fingers through my hair. 

"(Y/n) you idiot, you could have died!" His accent was heavy as he breaths the words out, chaos still burning around us as we enjoy this moment of peace, vaguely noticing how the rest had retreated further away, grins on their faces from the victory. 

"But I didn't, you said it yourself, I can take care of myself" I lean backwards slightly, just enough to meet his eyes "Seamus, I love you. Not as a best friend, I mean I've loved you for so long and if... nothings going to happen, but if it did I refuse to have not told you" I cup his cheeks, and a soft smile spreads across his lips, his gaze full of admiration and longing. 

"All I could think of when I was setting up was you, and all I wanted was you. For merlins sake (Y/n), I love you so much" And amongst all of the chaos and destruction, we shared our first kiss. With such tenderness and love that I almost forgot was happening. Pulling away, I grin at him "Now, we have a war to win" and we share one final kiss before heading off to go and help all our friends. 

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