Muggle tech - Draco X Reader.

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This is by my best friend (and the most amazing fic writer I know) 

Aka Anna W. ❤️ 

So all appreciation goes to her and if you're interested in any Sherlock or Hazbin hotel (Alastor) fanfics then you should check out her stuff :)

(I know that Harry potters is set in the 90s but let's just say it was in the 2010s ok?)


"Y/n!" As you talked to Hermione about your latest development you heard a bunch of first tears call your name."Yeah?""Y-you're Y/n, right?" The small girl caught her breath as you nod. "Oh thank Merlin! Me and my friends need help with our laptop,""Now who told you about my skills?" You say teasingly as they laugh. "Show me the way, kiddos! See you later, 'Mione,""Bye!" The curly haired genius walked away to the Gryffindor common room as the first year Hufflepuffs took you by the hand. "Get your laptop and meet me at the dungeons, I left my things in my room," they nod and run away only to be told off by Flitwick.


"Hey," you wave them over as they held their laptops and phones. "I though you said just a laptop?""Sorry...""I'm kidding, it's fine," you mumble the password to the common room low enough for them not to hear. "Now don't mind the others, they're just jealous," you whisper to them as said Slytherins sneer at you and the Hufflepuffs presence. "Because there's a boy here and no boys in the girls dorms I'll bring my things down,""Sorry," the small boy mumbles making you shake your head and pass him a peppermint."If anyone bothers you tell them to go away," you rushed to your dorms as they stood around awkwardly."What are they doing here?" The sleek white haired boy mumbles to his goon; of course this boy was Draco Malfoy and that goon was Crabbe."Sometimes L/n brings them in to fix their muggle Knick knacks," he scoffs and chomps down on a muffin."Honestly, does this school have no decency?" Pansy's squeaky voice calls loud enough for everyone to hear and snicker."Apparently not considering they let you in," you reply as you got down the stairs causing most the laugh including the Hufflepuffs. In your arms you held cords and your laptop along with other odd things pure bloods have never seen before."What the hell is that?" Goyle shifts uncomfortably at the sight of the wires."I won't bother explaining it, go back to eating your tart," by the couches you open your laptop and sit on the floor, connecting cords to a small box, plugging the USB right into its slot in your laptop. "I'll teach you a spell to charge your laptops later,""Does it work for phones too?""No, you'll have to plug your phone into your laptop while you do the spell," they all nod in understanding as you conjure up coffee/tea."I got a DS XL," a girl holds up her ancient gadget which makes you squeal. "No way! I haven't seen one of these in years! These are ancient,""It's a 2009 model,""Ancient," you sass back making the girl giggle. "Do you have the charging cord?" She nods and holds it up. "Heck yeah! Let's start this,""Idiot mud bloods," you stop the typing on your keyboard and take your pen, flinging it at Crabbe who squeals and takes cover."Try me, Crabbe," you mumble without taking your eyed off the loading screen. Draco snickers and kicks back, watching his goon mope away to get another muffin to replace the one he dropped. "See this? That's the program that lets you use the tech, all you have to do is turn it on once and you're all set!" "Really?""Really," Draco watched as you happily chatted with the first years who were showing you different things once the so called 'program' had 'downloaded'. You looked awfully happy which seemed to set off mixed emotions in the pit of his stomach. He felt sick; overwhelmed. "Mind if I borrow this tonight?" "Go ahead," the girl hands over her DS and case which held all the games anyone could ask for."You're awesome! What game don't you have?""Hmmm I don't have Rayman,""Done deal!" She quirks a brow as you roll your eyes. "I'll get you that game, no worries,""Seriously?!" Before you could finish your nod she tackled you in a hug. "You're the best!""I try my best, now go before Professor Sprout finds you missing," they all nod and take their things before scampering out. "Thank god I got some coffee/tea," you cracked your knuckles before typing away at your computer, the sneering Slytherin turning away only leaving Dracos eyes on you.


"Death," you collapsed back against the couch as you ejected the small card with the Rayman game in it."You've been down here for an hour," you jump at the sudden voice and turn to see Draco in casual clothing."Only? That's a new record," you close software and place the card in the DS before starting the game up. Feeling Draco's confused glances as he looked at her screen you giggle. "Confused?" "N-no," he huffs out, turning away before looking back down at you. "Utterly,""Sit," you pat the couch and switch the game to a more well known one; Super Mario. Hesitantly Draco did as you said. "These are the controls," you showed him how to move which he was horrible at. "This is bloody difficult!" He groans and taps the buttons repeatedly. "You just suck at it," you mumble making him scowl. "Am I wrong?" He ignored this comment as you placed your hands on his. A light blush filled his cheeks as you moved the controls. "See? Pretty easy. Don't get so riled up about it, princess," you ruffle his hair and sit back. "What do I do?""Get to the other end without dying,""Oh that's helpful, thanks," he says sarcastically making you roll your eyes. "Like this?" He starts to move but dies the moment an evil mushroom touches him. "What?! How-""Shut up!" You quickly shut him up with a pillow. "Jesus, you're loud," taking the DS off him you start to play. "See? Easy," you swiftly complete a few levels as the pure blood watches in awe."Give that to me," he snatches the game and starts to play better than he did before; though of course his ego plummeted when he died. "Oh come on!" You chuckle and sit back watching him struggle with the game.


"Yes! Hey, L/n, I defeated the boss!" Draco nudges you."W-Wh...?" Your lack of response makes him turn around to see you cuddled up against a pillow on the couch."L/n?... Y/n?(!)""Y-yeah? I- I'm up!" Your groggy voice was in no way convincing; even you knew it. "I'm not up...""Adorable," Draco caught his tongue just as he finished saying the word. He looked around to make sure no one was in the common room, then down to you to make sure you didn't hear. Thank Merlin your things were back in your room curtesy of your boredom an hour before you fell asleep. As you shivered due to the draught, Draco sighed and picked you up effortlessly. Immediately you curled up against his chest, the only source of heat you had, other than the dying fire. The white blonde boy took the device and placed it in his pocket before walking towards the girls dorms, easily opening the door he knew you resided in along with pansy band other girls (poor you).Walking past the snoring snobs and obnoxious brats he knew too well he found your muggle covered corner. Memorabilia and merchandise he had no knowledge of... he would have despised this in the past by now he seemed to be overly intrigued. You shifted in his arms making him quickly place you down. But before he could go you took his hand causing him to jump slightly. "I'm not even going to ask how you got me up here...""I have my ways," he crouched down and covered you with the green duvet. "Night, L/n,""Goodnight, Draco," he smiles and walks to the door but you quietly call his name. "Oh, and, Draco?""Yeah?""I think you're adorable too," his previous light blush was replaced with a dark red tint. "Goodnight, Y/n," you smile and give him a soft wave before curling up in bed. The moment he closed the dorm door his heart fluttered and picked up its pace. The fuzzy light headed feeling he was getting was soon stopped when Pansy's voiced filled the entire dorm."You mudblood!" Dracos eyes widened as he immediately went to renter the dorm.

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