Draco X Reader.

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This one is a request and the idea was theirs so thank you :) JulzLovDraco4Eva


"So?" Harry looks over at me with his wide green eyes, the hope in his voice making me wince because truthfully I had no idea what to say. Sitting in the library with Ron, Hermione and Harry, we were all brainstorming about funnily enough - the upcoming war. 

But Ron just had to mention the horcruxes and I had no idea where to begin with that. 

I'd like to hope I was more helpful than this, but right now the only thing on my mind had unfortunately been Draco. He'd been acting odd, not talking to anyone as much as before and I could tell by the dark patches under his eyes that something was wrong and as much as I hate to admit it, I wanted to find out what it was. I was telling myself it was because he was so sketchy and I needed to know what he was doing for the sake of my friends but I knew deep down that it was because I'd taken quite the fascination in him after Hermione punched him in the face - something all four of us had taken great amusement in when looking back at it. 

"I don't know, I mean what else could they be? A diary, a ring, then there must be numerous others like Rowena's crown, but it was lost somewhere in the ...." I mention, rocking myself slightly on the balls of my feet as Hermione flicks through a dusty book in the library hoping for some clues on what 'he who shall not be named' had put his soul into. 

If he had put it into a freaking diary then the objects could actually be anything. From people to bloody quills. 

"Dumbledore asked to see me in his office" Harry blurted out, running a hand through his abnormally messy hair and giving us an apologetic smile before jumping up and heading towards the entrance of the library and Ron lets out a huff. 

"Of course he does, ok I'll go get snacks from the kitchen, want to come (Y/n)?" Ron offers and I chuckle, shaking my head at him with a mischievous grin. 

"Nope, but mind getting me some cookies? The normal muggle ones, not those weird metallic ones because I hate them" He nods his head at my request before looking over at Hermione who is too caught up skimming a book that she hardly hears him and the poor boy sighs before turning on his heel and following where Harry had just headed. 

I don't bother trying to have a conversation with Hermione, instead I just look over her shoulder and skim the page with her, trying to find information about anything I possible could that would be able to help us and too caught up in the pages, I don't notice that I'm actually blocking the pathway to the back of the library.

Nor did I notice when a blonde haired boy sidles up to us, his features twisted up almost in disgust.

"Mudbloods" Draco sneers as he passes us, his shoulder colliding with mine harshly as he stormed past us towards the restricted section of the library with Blaise and Pansy in tow who both offer us harsh jeering looks, Pansy going as far as 'accidentally' knocking over Hermione's ink pot as they follow the blonde haired Slytherin jerk. 

As soon as they had passed, Hermione uses a spell to clean up the mess before turning to me with an irritated frown "Are they always so rude?" She didn't look offended at all about the name though, for I suppose it was meaningless to her, why should it? She was brighter than them all and she was a muggle born, so it just made them look bad. 

"Draco can be nice" My voice was soft as I try to express my opinion, both of us staring at the corner they'd just walked around "He's just trying to impress his friends I'm sure"

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