Ron X Reader.

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"RON?! RON?!?! Where are you!!" I yell, my voice echoing around the empty common room as I walk towards the boys dorm, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion when I can't find him. 

Heading up the stairs, I push open the door to the boys dorm and spot him curled in the windowsill, an opened packed of jelly slugs next to him as he looks out into the ground of Hogwarts with a frown on his face and my stomach twists slightly. 

Ok, so maybe I had a crush on him, and maybe seeing him upset made me feel weird and not in a good way, but I pushed my little crush aside and tilted my head at him slightly "Ron? What are you doing?"

"What's the point?" I barely hear it, and my eyes widen in alarm. 

"What's the point of what!? Ronald Weasley what do you mean 'whats the-" He cuts me off, jumping up and rushing over, shaking his head at me as he winces "No... no I... I didn't mean it like that!" He puts his hands on my shoulders, and they slump in relief as I wrap my arms around his waist.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you meant to be at-"

"I came back to look for you, come on, let's head down to the common room" He nods his head as we pull away and I grab his hand, leading him towards the door and down the steps into the warmth of the common room. 

We both sit on the sofa next to each other by the fireplace and I tilt my head at him "Are you ok? Tell me what's wrong" He sighs, running a hand through his already messy ginger hair, and my heart skips a beat.

"I'm just..." He trails off, looking away and screwing his eyes shut and letting out a long sigh before hesitantly opening his eyes and looking at me nervously "I..." He cuts himself off again, and I reach out, placing my hand over his and offering him a small smile of encouragement. 

"You can tell me anything" 

"I'm just so... so annoyed I guess" He shrugs, lacing his fingers with mine without even realising it, and I can't help my face heating up, the corners of my lips twitching up and threatening to grin despite the situation and I felt so awful about it. Ron was upset and here I was, my attention flitting from him explaining to our hands lace together. 

"Why... why are you annoyed?" 

"I'm just so... so useless. I mean, Charlie's got a great job and he was the 'perfect' son" He huffs out bitterly before letting out a sigh "And Bill's... well he's Bill, mum loves him. Then there are the twins, they've opened up their own bloody store!" Ron huffs out "And Percy, well he's got a job at the ministry now and Ginny... ginny's just amazing and then there's me and I-"

"Ronald Weasley!" I exclaim, shaking his hand away to throw my arms around him, pretty much tackling him back onto the sofa and he let's out an 'omph', only wrapping his arms around me when he manages to catch his breath "You're one of the most amazing people I've ever met in my entire life! You're kind, and loyal and so brave and bloody good looking and so-" I pause, my eyes widening and a flush running up my skin, but I don't meet his gaze, continuing anyway "You're a bloody good keeper, I mean seriously you're amazing, and you're incredible at chess and-"

"(Y/n)" Ron cuts me off, his voice barely above a whisper, and I meet his gaze, my eyes widening when I spot the way he was looking at me. A soft, shy smile resting on his lips as he looks up at me through his lashes, and I only just realise I was led across him, our chests pressed against each other and our faces so close I could feel his warm breath fanning across my lips. 

"Ron I..." I trail off, my gaze flitting to his lips as he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth. One of his hands move from my waist, trailing up my sides and neck before he cups my face, his bottom lip slipping from between his teeth before leaning up to press his lips against mine in a light, lingering kiss. 

When he pulls back, my tongue darts across my bottom lip, and I flush. He tasted like jelly slugs, but I suppose that's what he was eating before I had forced him into telling me what was wrong. 

"Are you-" He cuts me off, his voice slightly hoarse and gravelly as he swallows nervously "Can we just... can you just lie with me?" his reply was nervous, and my gaze was drawn back to his lips as he bit it once again. 

I nod, lowering my head and resting my cheek against his chest after shuffling around a bit, his fingers running through my hair as we lie together, snuggled up. I mean sure, we'd cuddled before, a lot actually, but we'd never kissed, and so I couldn't help but feel slightly giddy that maybe he liked me back. 



"I think I like you..." He pauses, letting out a short chuckle that makes his chest vibrate slightly before adding a shy "A lot"

"Really?" I pull away slightly to look into his eyes, a bright grin spreading across his face and upon seeing this, grins back at me, his eyes twinkling as he nods his head "I liked you too! Oh merlin I didn't... you... we..." I struggle to form a sentence, the excitement making me slightly dizzy. 

"We could go on a date to Hogsmead? This weekend actually" He mentions, his cheeks turning a beautiful shade of pink and I reach my hands up to cup his face, my thumbs running across his freckled, flushing face. 

"Yes!-" I clear my throat "I mean sure, I'd like that a lot" I try to play it cool and he bursts into laughter, his hands wrapping around my waist as he leans up to press a kiss against my lips, but this time it lasts longer, a more passionate, fervid kiss that makes my brain spin and leaves me slightly woozy, and I have to admit, I'm so glad I found Ron because I wouldn't have this any other way. 


Hi! I kind of suck at updating, but I've got more freedom now and so I'll hopefully publish more soon, and I'm sorry this oneshot is so short.

If anyone has any requests, I'll be happy to do any of them. I'm currently in the process of writing two of them, but hopefully they'll be done soon :). 

I'm also turning one of the Draco oneshots into a full story (I have the first two chapters of that drafted so in the next few day's it will be publishes) so if anyone wants any of my oneshots turned into a story, just comment or DM me and I'll be happy to do it. 

I'm incredibly grateful for everyone who's voted or commented, or even just viewed, so thank you all xx

- Maddy -

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