Draco x Reader.

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"YOLO!" I exclaim, running down the corridor.

My new favourite muggle phrase... or word I guess. 

"MISS. (Y/L/N)!" Snape yelled but I stop, only to give him a hug which shocked him greatly and I pull away, patting him on the shoulders.

He looked pretty horrified.

I'm so getting a detention for this, but you know what..... I'll deal with that later.

"You're an awesome teacher! Scary but great, I actually remember stuff from your lessons! See you!" I dash down the corridor once more, looking over my shoulder and bursting into laughter at Snape frozen in shock. 

He was a pretty cool teacher most of the time. 

"(y/n)!!!" Draco yelled, obviously pissed off by me. 

I had his wand in my pocket, yeah ok fine, I'll admit I stole it, merely and singularly because I wanted him to give me attention because I liked him.

And before you call me a grade A moron, I'll let you know I'd prefer his hatred over being ignored because at least he KNEW I was there. 

So it has some win/loose drawbacks. 

"GIVE IT BACK!" He yells, gaining distance on me and I have to stumble to a stop at the end of the corridor, almost going straight into the wall before looking over at Draco, winking before darting to the left through another corridor once more.

I really, really think I should have probably done some exercise because I was ALREADY out of breath.

In my defence, this castle is MASSIVE.

"(Y/N)!" He barked, his voice much closer and I'm almost at the Hufflepuff common room when two arms wrap around my waist and I'm shoved into a wall, a hand on each of my shoulders to keep me there.

It wasn't as though it hurt, but it wasn't gentle if that made sense.

"Give it back" He muttered darkly and I give him a sheepish smile, my face rather red and I was panting, so maybe I didn't look like a model, but I reckon I looked cute. 

Ok maybe not. 

But I didn't care. 

The questions running around in my head were HOW THE HECK WAS HE NOT TIRED?! His face was still as pale as usual, his breathing wasn't laboured and he didn't even look like he'd just sprinted down half the castle to catch up.

"What back?" I almost cringe at how breathy I sounded.

I'm blaming it ALL on my lack of fitness.

"My wand! I'm not an idiot!" He barks and I furrow my eyebrows.

"You're an ass sometimes though!" I cross my arms over my chest and he glares at me. 

He stutters for a response before giving me a harsh glare and I would have cringed away at it but the way his eyebrows furrowed together made him seem adorable and I giggle, uncrossing my arms and taking my scarf off, wrapping it around his neck.

"Aw, yellow suits you!" I exclaim, grinning from ear to ear and he takes a step back in shock, letting go of me.

"Why did you give me this?" He asks, looking at it in pure disgust and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Fine, I'll go give it to someone who'll appreciate it" I mumble, sulking and reaching out but he grabs my wrists in one hand, lowering it before using both of his hands to take off his Slytherin scarf.

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