Draco X Reader.

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We were in Care of Magical creatures and I'd just made a joke about not wanting to pet one of the creepy creatures Hagrid was introducing us to when I heard him.

"Coward" He mumbled, though I knew he meant for me to hear it when he snickered. 

"What?" I spin around, my eyes narrowed at him as he leans against a tree, his two best friends by his side. 

"You're a coward" He states and I let out a humourless chuckle. 

"Hypocrite!" His gaze hardens and his nostrils flair. 




"I'm not a coward" He growls out, taking a threatening step forward and I give him a sly grin, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Are you not?" I look him up and down with a raised eyebrow "I could beg to differ"

"You sly little toad!" He takes two long strides until he towered over me. 

It was times like this I wish I had five inch high heels. Damn my height. 

"You slimy ferret!" I snap back, glaring at him. 

"Don't you dare call me that" He grits out, a dark look crossing his features and even though he looked rather good with his jaw set and his blue eyes cold - I was still going to fight with him. 

"Or what? You'll tell your daddy?" I mock, crossing my arms over my chest.

"No" He smirks "I'll tell yours" the look he was giving me would have probably melted me and made me want to kiss him, but in this situation, I was going to murder him. 

He was an arrogant idiot.

I pale "You wouldn't dare!" I push some of my hair out of my face, almost cringing about how worried I sounded.

"I would!" He acted as though he just won this fight. 

I can assure you, he most certainly hadn't. 

"Am I missing something?" My best friend yells and our heads snap over to her, both with the same, grim expressions on our faces. 

"Shut up" Draco sneers.

"That's my best friend" I uncross my arms, shoving him backwards by his shoulders but unfortunately, I wasn't as strong as I first thought and he barely moves an inch so I go to shove him backwards once more but he just grabs my wrists in his hands. 

I try to pull away but he keeps a firm grip on them and I glare at him "Let go you moronic oaf!"

The look he was giving me would make me quiver in any other situation but right now, I was that pissed off that I no longer cared.

"You're a spoiled brat" He snaps, his nose twitching in distaste.

"Right back at you" I sneer but what I didn't expect was him pushing me backwards lightly and I almost stumble over my own feet. 

That's until I'm firmly pressed against a tree, my wrists pinned above my head against the rough bark of the tree, and though his grip was tight enough that I couldn't move, it was rather gentle.

"Stop doing that" He grits out and my eyes widen.

"Stop doing WHAT?" I ask, rather enraged. 

"Being so fucking pretty" He mumbled the words, as though he was embarrassed that he even mentioned anything, but instead of flushing and raising an eyebrow at him to mock him, I grit my teeth. 

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