Fred X Reader.

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"What is love" Harry mumbles, toying with his food as he casts a wry gaze over at Cho Chang who sat at the Ravenclaw table, and I snicker, a soft smile playing on my lips at how adorable he was. 

"Love is a chemical reaction in the body" I commented, raising my eyebrows at him but continuing despite the way his eyebrows furrowed in confusion "It's not real, it's just a reaction in the body to attract two people together to have kids and then-" Ron cut me off with a scoff, his head tilted to the side. 

"Yeah, so why are Seamus and Dean attracted to each other then? They can't have kids, not really. Well... not with each other" He points out, and I pause, faltering slightly when I realise how right he was, and so he speaks up again, a small smile slipping onto his face "Also, what about those two girls in Hufflepuff? You know, the ones that are dating?"

"Well, I... " I pause, and there is a gap in the conversation, Harry picking up a daily prophet from the table, scanning the pages. Frowning, I look down at my food in confusion, watching as Ron stares at Hermione with a sheepish, lovesick smile. Something skipped a beat in my chest, and I turn my gaze to Fred, who was sat next to me. 

More than startled when I realised he had already been staring at me with his head tilted to the side in confusion, and Fred places the fork in his left hand on the table. He then moves his hand towards my own, carefully, slowly as he watched me for my reaction.

"So... if love is a chemical reaction in the body-" Fred paused slightly, running his fingertips across the top of my hand lightly as he leant towards me, just close enough that I could smell the faint smell of sweets and fireworks. His lips twisted up into a handsome, but irritating smirk- "What exactly do you think happens once people have had children? Do they just fall out of love?"

"Well... uh.... love... it's..." I hesitate, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion, my hand nervously grasping the fork tighter in my fist, my breath hitching slightly "This is a chemical reaction... this... there's always a scientific explanation for everyth-"

"(Y/n), not to point out the obvious, but you're in a school where you study magic" Harry pointed out bluntly, looking up from the daily prophet for a few seconds before his gaze flits back down, his eyes scanning the paper as though looking for something. I sigh, the fork slipping out of my hand as my grip loosened, the metal clanking across the table. 

"Ok, ok fine but-"

"Oh come on (Y/n)" George spoke up, and Fred immediately pulled his hands away, a faint sprinkling of pink spreading across his freckled face, and I bite my lip, nervously shifting in my seat "Do you not love anyone?" He sounded playful, and I look away, purposely avoiding looking at the twins, or Lee who seemed to be grinning at me for some reason. 

After a few awkward seconds, when I finally found my voice, I turn to face George, smirking "Do you love Angelina? Don't even deny it, I see the way you look at her" I nudge Fred, who starts singing, quietly at first "Georgie and Angie sitting in a tree..."

"K. I. S. S. I. N. G" I join in, our voices raising "Georgie and Angie sitting in a-"  George cuts us off by throwing oranges at us both, and we all burst into laughter, the awkward moment passing, and we continue to laugh and mock George who was beginning to turn bright red, stuttering out replies much to all of our amusements. 

When we had all decided we had finished our food, the twins, Lee and I had stood up, starting to head to transfiguration. George and Lee, for some reason, had rushed ahead, and in no mood to go faster than a slow meander, I trailed behind them. 

Either, out of pity, or just because he wasn't in the mood to rush ahead with his brother and Lee, Fred had walked along side me, the corners of his lips tilting up when he looked down at me "Aw, look how tiny you are" He went to pat the top of my head, but I bat his hand away with a small laugh. 

Screwing my nose up, I stand up straighter, "Aw, look how tiny you are" I mock, with the most annoying, high pitched voice I could muster, and Fred let out a booming laugh, nudging me slightly "I do NOT sound like that"

"You're right, your voice is much more annoying" I joke, and he lets out another laugh before we fall into a comfortable silence. We were still quite a way from the trasfiguration classroom when I felt our shoulders brush, the backs of our hands and knuckles brushing, which made me feel all warm and fuzzy. 

I look up at him, only to see him staring down at me, that beautiful pink blush spreading across his cheeks, and a small smile finding its way onto his face. His head tilts to the side as we keep walking next to each other, our hands still brushing against each other. 

Without saying a word, his pinkie slowly wrapping around mine, our hands finding themselves intertwined. I bite my lip, looking away to try and hide how red I was sure I was getting, and he stops moving completely, which made me pause, looking down at our linked hands. 

"(Y/n)" Fred mumbles, gazing at me with such adoration I could feel my heart thudding in my chest, the warm, fuzzy feeling building up. I'd always noticed Fred, how could I not? I'd pushed that weird feeling away because he was my best friend. But what if?

"Fred?" He tugs me towards the side of the hall, which seemed to be getting less and less busy with every passing second. 

"We're going to be late" I was breathless, though I didn't understand why. Every time I looked up at him, at his freckled face and sparkling brown eyes, I felt myself lose my breath, even if it was only for a second. But right now, with his hand in mine, I was struggling to find my words, my brain misty. 

"(Y/n).. I... I think I know what love is, or what it feels like" Fred mumbles, lifting our intertwined hands to press a light, lingering kiss on the back of my hand, and it made my heart flutter "It's when you look at someone and you can't help but admire how beautiful they are, or when they're talking and they're the only person you can focus on. It's when they make you feel giddy just by seeing them, and my heart is always racing around them, and they're the first person that you look for when you walk into a room and (Y/n)?"

"Yes?" I manage to force out, and I could feel butterflies in my stomach, because I knew that feeling. 

"I think I love you, and I get it if you don't love me but I-" 

"I think I've loved you for a while" I blurt out, talking a step closer to him, so that our chests were pressed together "If thats what love is... I mean" I swallow nervously, searching his eyes as I bring my free hand up to cup his face, leaning forward "Can I... can I kiss you?"

He nods his head, closing the distance, and wrapping an arm around my waist, pulling me even closer. The kiss was sweet, and short, but we were both breathless as we pull away, resting our foreheads together. 

"(Y/n)..." He breathes out, pressing our lips together, but this time it was more passionate, deeper. Our lips moved together, and I shake my hand away from his to wrap my arms around his neck, adoring how we fit together so well. 

His arms snake around my waist, and we pull away for air, panting as we lean into each other "Fred?"

"Yes love?" My breath hitches at the nickname, and I stare into those mesmerising eyes, a soft smile tugging at my lips. How did I get so lucky? "Go out with me? To Hogsmead?" I could feel my heart beating heavily in my chest, but he doesn't even need to pause, his eyes lighting up and his lips lifting up in one of the most breath taking smiles I've ever seen in my life. 

"I'd love to, more than the entire world" He exclaims, pulling me in for another skin sizzling, tantalising kiss, and I don't think I've ever been this happy in my entire life. 

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