Fred X Reader

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**Hermione's older sister AU - Same age as Fred and George (Also quite long, and I'm thinking of turning this into an actual story)**

"No, no I'm doing this Harry!" I snap, grabbing the flask out of Georges hand and taking a swig of it, screwing my nose up in disgust before passing it to Hermione and giving Harry a look "You really are our last hope, so just... let us help"

He opens his mouth to say something, but is cut off by Fred letting out a squeak, and I look over and watch wide eyed as he shrinks slightly, and I look away, worry finally setting in about what was about to happen. 

Then I feel it, like a wave of heat washing over me before my body starts to change. It isn't a very nice feeling, one that I have no doubt I'm never going to do ever again either. 

It feels like seconds pass as we all change into Harry's clothes that were piled into the room, and soon we're all outside, nervously milling together in our pairs with the adult we were to ride with. I'm with Madeye. 

"Come on" He huffs out, getting on his broom and motioning for me to follow in a gruff voice, and I watch him carefully, noticing how worried he really was. He didn't look like it at first glance, but I watched the way he swayed slightly and moved from one foot to the other, and let me tell you, seeing mad eye worried did nothing to settle my stomach. 

"Ok, just... give me a second please?" I ask, and he nods his head before I weave through everyone until I get to... well the 'Harry' with Kingsley Shacklebolt and I throw my arms around Hermione "Stay safe. Please Merlin, I will haunt you and murder you myself if you die"

She let's out a booming laugh, though her voice shook nervously as she spoke "You can't murder me if I'm dead"

"I love you. I love you so much 'mione. So get there safe, and just try me. I'll fine a way"

"I love you, and you need to get there safe too, ok?" She muttered, tightening her hold she had around me, before pulling away and giving me a small smile "But I know you will. You did make me a promise"

"I did, and we'll both get through this because I AM going to be there when you become the minister of magic" I lean forward and press a kiss against her forehead, smiling lightly "So you better live to manage that" Though my tone was lighthearted, I could tell she knew I was being serious. 

"I will, I love you, now go before Mad eye really gets grumpy" She grins, and I nod my head, turning on my heel with a queazy feeling in my stomach, heading towards Mad eye who was glaring at the floor with a look I couldn't decipher. 

I'm almost there when someone stops me, and I turn around to see Harry, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. Ok, so was that the real Harry, or someone else?

"(Y/n)... stay safe" He mutters, and I tilt my head to the side, still confused on who this was "You are (Y/n) right...." They trail off before they give me a lopsided grin "It's me... Fred"

"Oh!" I throw my arms around him, and he hugs back. But it didn't feel right. He was't Fred. He wasn't just a bit taller than me, nor was he the same shape or size and the hug just wasn't right. Pulling away, I grin at him "You better get back safely. As your best friend, I'll actually kill you if-"

"Oh always with the threats (Y/n)" He jokes, before the smile slips off his face, and he nervously tugs at the hem of his shirt "In case... in case anything happens... I just want you to know-"

"(Y/n)! WE NEED TO GO!" Mad eye bellows, and I give Fred a soft smile, leaning forward to press a kiss against his cheek before spinning on my heel and heading towards Mad eye, trying to shove my feelings down. Of course Fred just had to be all sweet and caring and make me feel all mushy right before this.  

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