The end of the Road

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I watch as kayla makes her speech. The whole roster out their to congratulate her. Waiting for the crew guy to tell me when I could go out I start to think about denny. The sprint unlimited is in a few weeks. After tonight I'm taking a few unscheduled nights off...
"Tesa you can go out now." The stage crew guys says to me.
I grin slightly and shift the belt on my leather jacket. My bottoms are black and are cut across each pant leg several times. My top is a bra type of shirt. Black as a base color and it shines red in the light. The crowd is cheering for kayla as well as the roster. It's very loud to be honest. Louder then when Ric flair "retired".
As my song, original song Battle cry plays,I walk out into the arena. The arena was cheering as I stepped out into the light. The divas title on my right shoulder. The super stars stood on each edge of the ramp as I walked down towards the ring.
"Nobody can save you now!
It's do or die!" My song plays as I reach the black mat that lays under the ring.
Before I climb up the steel steps a ref hands me a mic. I grin slightly and then walk along the apron of the ring. I climb under the top rope and into the ring. As I raise the mic to my lips my music cuts out.
"It's been a long, hard, and brutal road between us kayla. From the way beginning when I first attacked you just to show I had potential and wanted dominance. To now where we both can stand next to each other without killing each other. I have learned a lot from you kayla. And over this past year of getting to know you and do all these story lines together.. Iv gained a lot of respect for you. You are my role model Kayla Summers. It's hard to believe that our road together ends. They divert and separate into two different paths. See you at the track in a few weeks Mrs.Kahne." I say as I watch kayla grow emotional.
I then walk over and hug her. As I back up I grin and then speak again.
"Let's see. We have kane, undertaker, Mia, Tara, Vince, hunter, and seth. Dolph over there and big show down back. Mark Henry up front with ryback. Dean and Roman by the side of the ring. Mickie and sable as well as Candice, Layla, Cameron, Naomi and Ms. Eva Marie. But there still is someone missing. He may not be apart of this family but he's part of a bigger family. We may be two different sports but we all travel and work our rears each day for the fans. Kasey why don't you come out here and let the wwe universe embrace your presence." I say.
The crowd screams as Carl Edwards song comes on from the day he ran Raw. Kayla's eyes widen in surprise as Carl walks out with Jimmie, Jeff, Dale, Chase, Kyle, Samantha Busch, Kurt, Clint, AJ allmendinger, Trevor Bayne, Matt Kenseth, Brad and Joey, and finally Kasey Kahne.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the NASCAR roster." I say.
As they climb into the ring and greet kayla everyone starts to clap and chant "Thank you Kayla."
* A few hours after the show*
"Here is the place Dakota. Your a good shot so do not second think using that gun." Cory says to me.
I nod and open the door to the black suburban. My feet quietly hit the hard asphalt of the parking lot. Cory crept in the shadows as I slowly followed along the building line. As I look around my eyes catch a glimpse of a white Italia.
"Rich punks aren't they." I say into the two way radio.
I hear Cory chuckle a little on the other end.
"If we win then that can be yours after we are done." He says to me.
I finally make it to the window of the brick building. I stand off to the left of it with my back against the cool wet bricks. The window was fogged up by ice. I try and wipe what I can off the window only to see a dark room. Well if I wanna find my friends best bet is to get myself caught and allow them to bring me to them.
Taking the end of the gun I smash it through the window. Glass shards scatter across the floor as cold crisp air meets my face. Throwing the gun back over my back I slide through the window and land on my feet. My boots making crunching noises as I land on the glass. The gun settles back against my back as I grow motionless.
"Chris? Destiny?" I whisper.
The room was freezing. If I could see then my breath would be very visible.
"I'm in." I say to Cory.
Then I turn the radio off so I can focus. Avoiding the rest of the glass, I quietly make it across the room. A little light flashes at the other end of the room. Maybe it's a door way. As I get closer I hear talking. One of the voices sounded very familiar.
"I have no idea where she is. I don't even know who the hell you are. The cops will be looking for me I hope you know...." I hear.
I knew that voice. It was denny. Which means I fell into the right building. As I walk closer I hear a slap sound and my anger grows.
"All of you are useless! Grab me my gun seth.." I hear.
I run towards the light and then roll over towards the wall beside it. I'm a wrestler... I'm not built for this shit.. What am I even doing? And how am I doing this....
"We found a trespasser out side joe."
As soon as I hear that my heart jumps a beat. I quickly look through the doorway seeing Cory with a gun up to his head.
"Great..." I growl.
I load the gun and take a deep breath. Then I step out into the light.
"Let them go." I say.
Several guys turn their heads and see me. It was pretty obvious who I am. The cowboy boots. The torn up jeans. And the race car shirt. Who wouldn't be able to tell.
"Boys it looks like we have a guest." One of them says.
I roll my eyes and quickly aim the gun at the guy I believe is joe.
"Let them go." I demand.
He laughs and moves his attention away from Cory to me.
" So this is the girl that got my top assassin arrested. So fragile. So young and lost. You don't want to shoot me. I bet you don't even know how to use that thing." He says to me.
Of course I know how to use it. Back in Tennessee before my father came into my life, I used to be the top shot. I was an amazing hunter.
" oh really?" I say almost like my character would say on the show.
I quickly aim the gun at another guy without looking. I lock and load it and then fire it. Instantly I hear a body drop.
" Head shot I'm guessing. I never miss a head shot." I say.
Then I re aim the gun at Joe.
" ok... So you can shoot.... But your only one girl." He says to me with a sickening grin on his face.
I can see Cory staring at me worried. It took a few moments before I realized what he meant by that. Five of his men were walking closer. They were big guys too...
" Cornering me isn't a good idea joe..." I say to him as I back up slowly.
As they get closer I round house kick three of them. I DDT another and then RKO the last one.
" I'll take care of you myself then.... Nothing gets done unless I do it..." He says angrily.
I look over at Denny. His eyes watching me worried. Joe walks towards me in the same walking motion as Kane. Slow but with anger in each step.
" honestly I don't know who the hell you are. And I really don't care." I say.
Then I quickly pull a pistol out of my back pocket and fire it at him. All five shots hit him. Two in the skull, one in the throat and then two in the heart. My eyes watch him collapse to the ground. For a moment I just stand there. Cory gets up slowly watching me.
" Bitch...." I say as I toss the fun to the ground.
I walk towards Denny emotionless. I just killed a man... Two men. Cory finishes untieing Denny as I look around.
" Cory go check the freezer." I say to him.
As I turn to look at the dead body I feel Denny wrap his arms around me. He kisses my neck and then lays his head on mine.
* A few weeks later*
" It's been four long months DW but NASCAR is finally back!"
I hear the tv say as I throw on a light jacket. The motor home was quiet. Empty as can be. I remember these walls like it was yesterday. Racing for a championship. There was a surprise to the sprint unlimited line up. Destiny Elliott starts fourth next to her brother who now drives the 25 for Kayla Kahne. Kurt, Danica, and Kevin also start in the unlimited. Denny.... Denny is in the front row. His car this year, sexy and sleek. Just like him...
I open the motor coach door and climb down the stairs towards the garages.

Authors note: well this the end of a great story and the beginning of a new era. Will Tesa Orton continue her title rein in the wwe ? Or will a new diva emerge and challenge her for the title? Kay-kk this has been the best god knows how many months Iv ever had while writting. Thank you for tag teaming with me on this. I hope Kayla and Dakota meet again soon enough! Vote comment and enjoy! Long like Kayla Summers!

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