Friday Night Smackdown

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I arrived in Italy a little earlier then everyone else. I walked around taking pictures like a tourist. But I did bring the divas title with me. It was Friday morning now. I had picked up some tasty coffee on the way to the arena. Tonight Kayla goes against kharma. The divas have started to pick up a little bit since Kayla and I have started our feud. We are starting to match up with the boys. Anyways I'm headed to the colloseum today before SmackDown airs tonight. It's really hot here too which annoys the hell out of me. And to answer your questions, no Denny and I have not talked since Monday. I don't know what I want to do. I love him but the fight we had was too much. I sigh then cross the street to get to my car.

(Skip car ride)

I walk through the doors to the arena after signing a few autographs. Mark and Glenn were getting ready for their matches tonight. I had caught up with them before they head out.

" Need any support?" I ask mark as they wait to go out.

He grins at me and nods.

" Sure why not." He says to me.

I grin and then quickly go to the locker room to change. As soon as I make it back Kane's song hits. He heads out and the crowd screams. After a few minutes the arena grows silent and eerie. Then the gong echoes throughout the arena. The lights go out and the crowd screams. Soon enough undertaker and I make our way to the ring. They are facing Batista and triple H tonight. As Hunter climbs into the ring I climb out to allow the boys to fight. Batista let's undertaker have it. They go at it full force. The crowd screams as undertaker punches Batista. Then vice versa. In the middle of the match the shields theme hits. I make eye contact with Kane as dean, Seth, and Roman climb over the barrier. Undertaker tombstones Batista and gets the three count. I quickly slide into the ring as dean, Seth, and Roman surround the ring. All three ready to pounce. Roman slides in first and undertaker takes him down. Seth comes in and takes on Kane. Dean climbs in slowly watching every move I make.

" Again you pieces of shit? Don't you have anything else to do?!" I say frustrated.

Dean grins and then goes to punch me. As he does he fakes it and then goes straight for my fractured arm. He grabs my arm and yanks it the. Twists it. I scream in pain as he continues to attack it. He then goes to punch me out but I dodge it. He grins and then does a neck breaker on me. I hit the mat hard and almost cry. My rage takes me over and I roll over and get to my feet. That's when I close line dean and kick him out of the ring. The crowd screams as I raise my left arm. Undertaker and Kane both tombstone the other two. I roll out of the ring and grab my title as I cradle my right arm. The show goes to commercial and we clear out for the divas match that's next up.

After I clean up and throw on normal clothes I head to the viewing room to watch Kayla's match. At first she had the advantage then kharma went at it attacking her arms and almost destroying her. After a long grooling match Kayla had won by quickly getting her finisher in. While she celebrated I told the girls to go out and take her down. And to my surprise, they did perfectly. They smashed her face into the steps numerous times. Worked on her already injured arm from her match.

They continued to go at it until she was knocked out. That's when I came out and watched them. They dragged her up the ramp and held her in front of me. That's when I RKO her and let her face slam onto the steel stage. It cuts her face in numerous areas. I kick her to make sure she's out cold. Then I raise my hands like my father does.

( Later that night)

" Baby I'm sorry about last week. I want to make it up to you. Please call me back asap." My voice mail says.

I sigh and hang up my voicemail then place my cell on the table.

" You alright girlie?" Eve asks me as she comes out of the bathroom.

I nod and lay back onto my pillows.

" It's hard being a WWE diva." I mumble into my pillow.

Eve laughs.

" Your young Dakota. You'll get used to it." She says to me. Then she shuts the light off and tucks herself into the other bed.

" Night Dakota." She says to me.

" Night." I force out.

I lay there listening to the silence. I can hear the crickets outside the small hotel we are staying in. It was so peaceful. Soon enough I pass out to the calming sounds of Italy.

Authors Note: all done! It's only you know, 3:45am in the morning. I'm going to bed. Night ya'll!

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