Another day in Paradise

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So today's Monday. I'm so glad that the inferno match is not till Vengeance, which is a new paperview. To answer any questions, no I have not talked to Denny. Him and I are on break for now I guess. Chase and I still talk though. Him and I are best friends. So over the weekend I had run into Buddy from cake boss. It was an honor to meet him too. While I was out in Italy I figured i would spend some of my money on an Italian super car. So that's what I did. I went to a Lamborghini dealership near the airport and dished out over $400,000 for a brand new Lamborghini Aventador. The base color is dark steal just like the one from the new transformers movie. The interior is black leather. The car has 700 horse power, it can go from 0 to 100 in 2.9 seconds. And under the hood, a beautiful Italian engineered V12 beast. No not a V8, but a full size 12 cylinder engine. This car is a beast machine. I can't wait to drive it into the arena and rev the engine loudly.
I toss the key to the Lambo around in my hand as I walk out of the hotel. The show starts in about four hours and being back in the states allowed me to do some shopping. I landed in Boston, Ma last night from Italy. I had slept in late too.
I walk by Kayla saying nothing but enjoying holding a key to a car that's almost $500,000 dollars. It was something I had that no one could take from me. It was something that I could finally call mine.
I walk out the door and head to the parking garage. The Boston air was still cold as anything. There was snow everywhere too which sucked. My bear-paw boots make crunching noises as I step in the two feet of snow. I'm kinda glad I had the car shipped to my dad's. It would be a shame to drive it in the snow. I get into my rental car which happens to be a 2013 dodge charger. A red one at that. I grin and slip into the drivers seat as I crank up the heat onto full blast. I then back out and spin the tires as I head for Saugus.
( skip car ride)
The traffic was brutal on route one north. I couldn't believe how bad it was. I have chosen to go visit an aunt who lives in Saugus. Her two boys are now 14 and 16. One is a star quarter back for the middle school football team. The other wrestles. He has held the featherlight title for three months now. I'm sure he'd love to see me after so long.
As I stop at a red light my phone rings. I pick it up and look at the screen seeing Denny's name on the screen. I sigh then ignore it. After I place the phone down on the dash I hit the gas and head for my aunts house.

" Dakota?" My aunt says shocked and confused.
" What are you doing all the way up here? Did you run away?! And look at your arm. Sweetie did your mother do that to you?!" She says almost all at once.
I laugh and then hug her to silence her.
" Tracy Iv been with my dad the last couple of months." I say to her.
Her eyes look back at my arm then back up at my eyes.
" Randal did that to you!?" She says surprised.
I shake my head no and then walk into the house out of the bitter cold.
" I wrestle now Aunty. I got this because of an incident with a few other divas." I say to her. Her eyes widen.
" John will want to hear that." She says with a grin on her face.
I nod and sit at the table in the kitchen as she finishes dinner.
" Where are John and Justin?" I ask curiously as I shift positions in the chair to help my legs.
My aunt walks over to the fridge and grabs the milk. She shuts it and then comes back to me.
" Justin is probably in xbox upstairs. And john is in the garage or ' training room' is what he calls it." She says to me.
I get up with a grin and push the wooden chair in.
" May I go see them?" I ask.
My aunt grins.
" Why of course!" She says.
I go see justin first and then after a little while I go to the garage. It was a huge garage indeed might I tell you. As I open the door I see justin in the ring performing a grapple move on another person. I quietly walk in as he hits the mat from a miss que.
" Try striking the stomach first." I say out loud. He jumps and turns around seeing me.
" Dakota is that you?!" He shouts out of excitement.
I nod and walk closer to the ring.
" You were close by the way. Just aim here and grab a little higher." I say and show him the right way to toss a person on the ground from a lock up.
He looks at me surprised.
" I thought racing was your thing Dakota not wrestling." He says to me.
That's when I grin and climb into the ring. I let my jacket fall off my arms and lighten the clothing I have on. I then lean against the ropes and stretch my back out.
" Show me what you've got." I say with a grin on my lips.
Jonh grins and then readies himself.
" What about your arm?" He asks.
" It hasn't stopped me yet." I say to him.
He and I lock up in the center of the ring. He tries to sweep for my legs but I dodge him and trip him with a spin kick.
" Your going to have to try a little harder then that john." I say.
As he gets up he frowns and readies himself again.
" You race. How did you just take me down." He asks surprised.
I grin.
" You guys still don't have tv do you?" I ask.
Justin says no and then runs at me. He tries to close line me up I flip over his arm and land behind him. I then spin around and grab him. I perform a neck breaker and then roll to my feet. John's friend seems as surprised as john does.
" Don't mess with an Orton." I say jokingly.
John gets up weakly.
" Dakota how...?" He asks.
I shrug still hiding it.
" let's just continue training justin. If you want to be like my father then you need to watch your back more and keep yourself on defense at all times." I say to him while I stand there.
John sighs and we lock up once again.
" Now to take down someone you-" I continue to show him some moves my father does and some that Batista does.
After awhile Tracy calls for dinner. We rumble one last time and that's when I strike him hard with an RKO. He lays on the mat stunned almost.
" Don't mess with the divas champion!" I shout out with laughter. I then roll out of the ring as he gets to his feet.
" wait...! What!" John says astonished.
I grin and then go over to my bag that has my attire in it. I pull out the Divas title and hold it up. John's eyes light up.
" No way! Your aunts the WWE Divas Champion?!" John's friend says.
I grin and walk over to them.
" I go by Tesa Orton in the ring." I say.
That's when it hits john
" No way. Your the girl all my friends on the team keep talking about! I'm so stupid!" He says.
I grin and then put the belt back.
After dinner I get ready to leave to head back to Boston for the show. Yes I ended up bringing john. I mean it's the least I could do. I did RKO him.

" Now stay with Randy ok?" I say to john as we pull into the lot that's outside the Garden. John nods and we get out of the car. I hold the door open to the building for john. As he walks in I can tell he's excited. The first person that he saw was Rey. I let him talk with Rey for a few. Then we went to find my father.
" Hey dad." I say as I walk into the food area with john. We talk for a bit and then I leave john with my dad. I head to Sandra for my attire and then after changing I get my make up done and my hair.
" Oh my god. You are the best cousin ever!" John yells as he walks into the makeup room. I grin and then watch as my father walks in behind him.
" What racing wasn't cool?" I ask jokingly.
" Your all set." The lady says.
" Thank you." I say. Then I head to the viewing room with my cousin. We sit down and watch a few matches. Once I saw Kayla walk in I decided to head out and ready myself. I had my own plan tonight. All the members of the Core group will be pumbled to the ground by a few friends of mine. I grin and then walk to the gorilla.

" Just one more time before I go,
I let you know,
That all this time Iv been afraid to let it show,
Nobody can save me now,
Ohhhh, nobody can save me now."

My song hits and I go out as AJ Lee is fighting Beth. Step one, complete. AJ became distracted and that gave Beth the advantage. Beth rolls AJ over and covers her.
"One! Two! Three!" The ref counts.
Beth's song starts to play and they announce the winner. I slide into the ring and GTS AJ. I then grab a microphone and begin to speak.
" so Kayla. What is next for us? I already took this from you." I hold up the title with my left hand.
" And I have the NXT title on my side as well. Your girls can't continue the assault Kayla. Soon enough they will realize who's the new top diva around here. And I-"
The titantron kicks in revealing Kayla backstage with wade Barrett, justin, Heath Slater, David Otunga and Ezekiel Jackson.
"Well hello Kayla." Wade says to Kayla.
Kayla looks at all the guys then back at Wade.
" What do you want Wade." She says annoyed.
" Well I'm getting the Core back together." Wade says.
Kayla still looks very annoyed as Wade talks.
" And what does that have to do with me?" Kayla asks.
" We want you to join us again." Ezekiel says.
" Why would I want to join a group that almost ruined my career?" She asks angrily.
" If you join then we will help you get your title back from Tesa." Justin says.
" So what do you say?" Heath adds.
" I'll think about it." Kayla says.
She walks by them and heads down the hallway.

I stand in the ring trying to focus. Then I bring the microphone to my lips.
" Boys." I say in a calm tone.
All of a sudden AJ styles song hits. When he walks out he drops Heath to the ground. Behind him is undertaker and Kane with Ezekiel and David. All three hurting badly. David's face is covered in blood.
I then nod and AJ, Kane and undertaker back up. As I raise my arms the lights go out. I bring them down and a lightning bold hits the stage where the three hurt guys are. The crowd screams as the lights come back on.
" Wade Barrett. I'll send Aces and Eights after the rest of your little group. Bubba ray. Mr. Anderson, sting, Eric Bishof, Devon and the others will tear you guys apart. And Wade." I grin.
" You might have gotten away this time. But next time you will BURN. IN. HELL!" I say. The light black out and when they come back on the arena is empty. Wade ends up finding Kayla a little after he was beaten.

" Wow did you see that jr?! Tesa just threatened what was part of the Core! What's going to happen next!" Michael says.
" well now we have Batista against Randy Orton for the main event!" I hear on the tv as I pack my attire into my bag. I then go into the viewing room to find John Anderson (my cousin) sitting on the couch with Dolph. I shake my head and sigh. I then sit down and watch the rest of the show with them. Randy beat Batista because of a brutal kick to the head. Randy fought out of a spear after Batista brutally beat him.

( five hours later)
" night john." I say as I get up from his computer chair.
He rolls over but mumbles something.
" Thank you." Is what he said.
I grin and then walk back over to him. I give him a noogie then hug him.
" Anything for my cousins." I say.
I then go over to Justin's room and say good night to him.
I then go into the guest bedroom and climb into bed. As soon as my head hits the feathery filled pillow I pass out.

Authors note: so there's alittle personal side to Dakota. Well vote and comment. I'm goin to bed, night ya'll!

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