The fight that determins a path

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"You sure your going to be alright?" Denny asks me as we pull up to the arena.
After hearing the news about Rick my mood has been, well... Nihilistic (depressed, not caring about life). I haven't been very positive about anything. Not even the fact that I got out of the hospital three days before I should have.
"I'll be fine... I go through another battle royal... Then make a point to the world that even when I'm hurt I can still defend what Iv earned..." I say to Denny.
He sighs and then leans towards me to kiss my cheek. I can feel his soft lips on my cheek. That's when I catch him off guard and turn my head. Our lips brush slightly. Then he pulls me in. As the kiss depends I forget all about where we are. My mind focused on the feeling of his soft lips against mine. The feeling I haven't felt in so long. It lasted for a good ten minutes until I started to pull away.
As I slowly pull away he looks at me with puppy eyes wanting more. That's when I unbuckle.
"Please be careful babe. I'll be here when your done." He says to me.
I grab the door handle and open the Mercedes door. I climb out and then grab my bags out of the back. I can hear the crowds cheering out my name. I didn't realize I was that loved to be honest...
As I walk to the door to the arena I wave goodbye to Denny and slip behind the steel door back into the abyss of drama and an alternate world.
"The burns don't look too had Dakota. Maybe you can use it as part of your character." Mike says to me as he looks over the damage from last Sunday.
I sigh and roll my eyes.
" im not my biggest worry. My biggest worry is my car... I'm going out there and taking down all those girls. I'm going to keep that number one contender spot." I say to Mike.
He grins and wraps up a few burns on my right arm.
" keep these on till the absolute last second. I want the aloe to settle into the burn." He says to me as he finishes up wrapping my arm up.
I nod and throw on my little jacket to cover my arms and the top of my attire.
" thanks Mike." I say.
Then I walk out towards the catering room.

As I walk down the hallway trying to keep my self from straining any already hurt bones or tendons. I open the door and walk in seeing mark and Glen talking by the water bubbler. Both were in normal street clothes. Glen was dressed for the authority while mark was in jeans and a black polo shirt.
"Hey guys." I say as I walk up to them.
Glen looks at me and smiles slightly. Mark on the other hand looks worried.
"What's wrong?" I ask before either of them can say anything.
Mark clears his throat and then stands himself up straight.
"You alright kid? You look like how our old story line described Kane. All burnt battered, and bruised." Mark says pointing out the obvious.
I let out a light sigh and look down. Then I look out at the people around us. As Tara comes walking into the room I straighten my back out and change my weak form into a strong form.
"I'm fine. And the burns should go away. Should..."I say to them.
Mark nods and then hugs me lightly.
"Needless to say, you have our blood and determination in you." He says chuckling.
I smile and back up out of the hug.
"I suppose so. Either that or I just want to finally get my hands on Tara again. She's really starting to get on my nerves." I say to both of them as the Bella's walk by.
I high five Nikki as she passes by. Well at least Iv made friends since I started here. In case I ever need back up I know who I can call.
"Speaking of back up... Where's my father? Did mike approve of letting him come back?" I ask feeling totally out of the loop of everything.
I see glen look up towards Seth Rollins who had just walked into the room. His two faced hair dripping wet.
"Look who it is.." I say quietly but with anger.
Mark chuckles and wraps his arm around me.
"Story line dakota. Don't forget." He says.
I let out a sigh as Seth walks over to us. Instantly he shakes glens hand.
"Seth." Glen says.
"Glen Jacobs." Seth says back and then grins.
"So who's next on my list to conquer and destroy? Will it be Daniel Bryan? Dean Ambrose? Or how about the vipers daughter...." Seth says as he looks at me.
His evil grin edges itself under my skin and I pull away from mark. I push Seth backwards.
"Don't you dare even try." I say to him.
"Oh I see. Feisty little girl." Seth says as he laughs.
I didn't even realize the cameras were shooting us live. I slap Seth on the face hard. He then covers his face where I hit him.
"Ouch." He says.
"When I'm done at wrestlemania....I'm coming for you Seth." I say then I push him to the side and walk off towards the viewing room.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall."
I hear Lillian say as I ready myself. I had the make up artist try her best to cover the burns. After Tara finally makes it to the ring I hear my song play. I take a deep breath and walk through the curtains. As I walk through them the arena lights hit my face lighting up the area around me. The ramp in front of me is lit up with reds and oranges. My attire is red and black which allows all the colors to reflect off it. Lillian announces me to the arena and the crowd cheers. I walk down the ramp raising my arms to get the crowd to cheer. I finally get to the ring and do a split. I slide under the bottom rope and then roll to my feet in the middle of the ring surrounded by the other girls. As I walk by them to climb the ropes I grin at Tara just to get under her skin. I climb up onto the ropes and raise my arms. As I jump down and ready myself the others line around the ring.
"Good luck Tesa...your going to need it." Tara says to me.
I just roll my eyes as she continues to be all into herself.
"Good luck to you too slut of the west." I say joking.
The bell rings and everyone of us goes at it. I lock up with Tara not letting her have any advantage. As the others around us continue to throw each other over the ropes I corner Tara and start to let out my anger on her. Throwing lefts and rights at her until she is backed into the corner. That's when I throw a right and knock her out. I grab hold of her and climb the top ropes. I then DDT her back into the ring. As all this is going on half the girls are gone. I was so focused on Tara that I didn't notice that there are now only four girls left. Tara, Nikki, Brie, and I. As I punch Tara I hear Nikki yelling at Brie. Both of them ripping their hair out. Nikki launches her sister into a corner and starts beating on her. While all that's going on here I am dodging Tara as she tries to throw punches. It's pathetic though how weak she's become. Finally twenty minutes later of going back and forth and eliminating Brie after she threw her sister over the ropes, I finally have Tara where I want her. I ready myself as she slowly pulls herself up. That's when I attack her with a viscous RKO. Tara grows limp as the ref starts to count. Her breathing heavy after a long brutal match.
"Three!" I hear then the bell rings.
I push myself up off of Tara and stand myself up as I catch my breath. The crowd cheering. As the ref raises my hand I feel the pain swelling and throbbing. Tara rolled out of the ring as I try to hold in the pain. Tonight is my night. And I just proved it to everyone.

Authors note: yah.....Iv run out of ideas for this one guys.... Hopefully next chapter is better. Night everyone.

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