Alittle trip to TNA

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Tuesday morning:

I wake up in a soft bed. The smell surrounding me so familiar.

" Well morning my angel." I hear.

I roll over seeing Denny who had just sat himself on the edge of the bed.I yawn and then sit up feeling a heaviness from my head.

" where are we?" I ask him as I rub my eyes.

He gets up and smiles.

" Tampa. Tampa Florida. I bought a house down here for us. And yes your cars in a controlled garage." He says.

I get up and hug him. That's when I feel Denny tracing something on my back.

" what are you doing?" I ask.

He pulls away and looks at me.

" it looks like you were hit pretty bad Dakota." He says to me.

When did I get hit? I ask myself. It must have been before I did that RKO. Or maybe when I was helping AJ. Hmmmm....

" Baby?" Denny says snapping me out of my train of thought.

" ya?" I say.

" Are you alright?" He asks.

I grin and pull away.

" Let's do something fun today." I say.

" Like what?" Denny asks.

I think for a moment and then the craziest thing pops into my head.

" Gator wrestling!" I say.

Denny laughs.

" Southern people." He says as he tries not to laugh.

" What?" I ask curiously.

" Oh nothing. I'm up for it." He says.

I go into the shower as Denny grabs my clothes.

" clothes are on the counter when your done." I hear Denny say. Then the door shuts.

I love him so much. I hope he knows that gator wrestling includes being in the mud. I know how much he loves his hair. I chuckle at the thought.

After drying off and putting on my clothes I attempt to straighten my hair. About a half hour later I walk down the stairs, my cowboy boots making a noise every time I step onto a step. Denny was on the back deck talking on the phone as I entered the kitchen. The sliding door was open so I could hear what he was saying every time the breeze picked up. I figured it was joe since he was talking about the practice from last Friday and Saturday.

I opened the fridge and grabbed some apple juice before I started looking for the 3500s keys. I went into his private study figuring that he might have left them there. All I found though where photos of him and a few other girls. Yah fans send pictures for him to sign. But the face looked so familiar. Her blond curled hair. Then I thought of all the divas.

" That's Maryse...." I say to myself.

I slam the picture down as my eyes trace how his arms are holding her. I grab the keys to the truck and slam the door shut. I grab my Aventador keys and my phone. I write a note and then go down to the garage. My Aventador parked right after his 911 Porsche. I open the scissor door and climb in. I start her up and shift into reverse. Then I shift into first and take off down the driveway. I head onto a two lane road that swerves and curves with the land.

Denny's POV.

I hear a door slam shut as I finish talking to Mr. Gibbs. I look along the side of the house off the deck towards the driveway. I can see Dakotas Lamborghini taking off towards the main road.

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