A Brutal Night at TNA

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The bus pulls into the parking lot at TNA around 9am. I had already taken a shower and gotten ready for the day. Denny and I had talked until around midnight last night. We are back together which is a good thing. I also have been thinking about going down to developmental so I can learn some more moves. As I put my sandwich on the table I can hear my cell going off. I walk across the cold floor of the bus and enter the bedroom. I grab my phone before it stops ringing and quickly answer it.

"Hello?" I say in a tired voice.

I was dumb not to even look at who was calling.

" Dakota Orton..." I hear his deep raspy voice.

" Mr. McMahon. Good morning." I say to him trying to hid the pain in my voice.

" you are going to be working Monday. I'm putting you in a royal rumble for a number one contender spot for the divas title. The winner in the end will be going to wresilmania to face Kayla for her title." Vince says to me.

In my mind my thoughts were racing. I'm only seventeen and I already have a chance at going to the grandest stage of them all? Your kidding me this has to be a joke.

" Your messing with me. I have only been around for maybe seven months and your already giving me a chance to go to wresilmania?" I say to Vince.

I hear him chuckle on the other end of the line. Then he takes a deep breath.

"As you've been saying lately, you are the viper's daughter Dakota. I'm giving you this chance because it's been requested. Also Dakota. Your attitude must change. No more being cocky and attacking Kayla. The next time.... You won't be coming back. I'll have you taken out purposely." He says throwing out a deep warning at me.

I take a deep breath and sink down onto the couch.

" if got it Vince. I understand." I say in a beaten down tone.

" good luck tonight Dakota. You are representing WWE tonight on TNA so don't lose your match." He says to me.

" I won't let you down Vince." I say to him in a determined tone.

" good. Talk to you later Dakota." Vince says then I hear a click and the line goes silent.

I toss my cell onto the couch and sigh. I'm not ready for this match tonight. I just got my ass kicked last night because of Vince. Now to fight seven knockouts... By the time I get a chance at this royal rumble I'll already be to injured. I can't keep doing this...




As I finally walk out of my bus I can see all the rental cars parked by a loading bay. I take a deep breath and walk down each step slowly. I was hoping to run into sting or maybe AJ Styles since this is where he belongs. But no, as I enter the door the first person I walk into is Madison Ray. One of the biggest sluts on TNA.... She was one of the girls you could find with Bully Ray. I grin slightly and then put my head down as I walk by her. My cocky character I left at the door. To be honest.... I'm terrified her on TNA. Everyone is so strong and scary. Plus I don't have my father with me just in Case anything happens. Anyways, I walk towards Dixie carters office to have a meeting with her before the match tonight. It's not a main event though, I know that much.

My eyes scan the surrounding area as I walk down the hall. I can hear some of the girls talking about tonight. I don't even know who I'm going up against yet which honestly sucks. As I reach a door that says 'Dixie' I stop and take a deep breath then I knock.

"Come in." I hear then I hear her go back to talking to someone else.

As I open the door I see her talking to Kurt angle. He was sitting on the desk in his black suit. He grins at me as I sit down in the chair.

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