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As I wake up I can feel the buses suspension going over a bridge. That's when I sit up and look at my phone. It was 8:40 in the morning and Denny had called me four times. I force myself out of bed and change into clothes. Mark and I have been on this bus since Monday. It's now Wednesday and we are scheduled to show up on Superstars. I swear I can't catch a break.




As the bus pulls into the parking lot mark and I finish up our convo about tonight. I'm still not to happy about throwing Kianna into a casket. I wish I could do that to Mia.

" So do you get the plan?" Mark says to me as we head into the building.

I nod and then we part ways heading to our locker rooms.

As I grab my attire I hear some of the girls talking. Mia was in the shower getting ready. I'm already in my attire for my match tonight. It's against Gal Kim. Fun.... I'm defending my title against her tonight.

I leave the locker room and head to make up to finish up. I sit down in the chair and let them take care of my hair. The show had started and Kane was out there going against triple H.

" Come on glen. Hit him in the face!" I say as they continue to go at it.

Finally ten minutes later Kane picks up the victory. Just in time for my match.

I get up and take a deep breath as I toss the belt onto my shoulder. I reach the gorilla as Gal walks out into the arena. After she climbs into the ring my song hits and I head out. I hear the ring announcer say that this match is for the knockouts championship. Then she announces me as I make my way down the ring. I roll into the ring and get up looking Gal kim up and down. I then hand the ref the title and ready myself. The bell rings and we lock up. Right off the bat I take control and send her into the turnbuckle. I run and then do a flip which ends in me kicking her in the face. As she falls to her knees I grab her by her hair and pull her up. That's when I shift my hand to her neck and lift her high. After I forcefully throw her onto the ring she rolls onto her side and holds her ribs. I grin and circle around her stomping on each limb. I was literally just trying to get this match over with but then it started to get fun. Gal rolled to her feet and countered my attack. She had sprung to life throwing both lefts and rights and me. A few catch my face and others I catch with my hands. She then kicks me in the gut and grabs me by my neck. I push her off and run at her. I then grab her neck and perform a twisting move spinning her over my body. As she comes down her back smashes into the ring. I roll onto my feet and watch as she pulls herself up. That's when I measure her and kick her with my shin straight into her head. She instantly drops to the mat and I grab her. I pick her up and perform my finisher on her. I then cover her.

" One, two, three!" The ref hits the mat three times giving me the win.

I climb to my feet and then the ref raises my arm.

" Here is your winner, and still your TNA knockouts champion, Tesa!" They announce.

Then I hear undertakers song play and the crowd screams. Under the darkness I grin and roll my eyes. Typical mark. He always wants the spot light from me. I watch as he walks onto the stage and raises his arms. The lights come back on but dimly. By that point I had already grabbed a mic from the ring crew. Beside undertaker was Mia. She had a grin on her face that I wanted no part of. Yah I'm the so called bringer of death. But doing her dirty work was not on my list.

I watch as she runs her fingers down marks arm. She then holds the urn in front of her. I laugh knowing how stupid she looks. Paul looked dumb enough with that but now her?

Mia raises a mic to her mouth and begins to speak.

" Nice job Tesa. Now we all know what is next for you to do." She says to me.

My eyes glance at gal who is on the mat motionless. Then I look back up at Mia.

" And that is Mia the worlds biggest slut?" I say back to her which sets her off.

" How dare you speak to your leader like that!" Mia shouts into the mic.

I just laugh as she continues.

" Unlike the other two Mia, you can't wave an urn and get me to follow orders. I obey no one. I listen to nobody. Suck it Mia." I say and the crowd cheers.

Mia gives me a look and then speaks.

" End her or I'll have you ripped limb from limb. Don't forget who took you out for four months Tesa Orton..." Mia says.

Yah I could admit she took me out. But I had a brutal match against Kayla not to long before the match with Mia.

I walk towards the ropes and step over gal.

" Come get me then. Cause I'm not hurting another friend. And you know what Mia. Neither are your so called boys." I say with a grin.

Mia looks at undertaker and then the lights go out. She screams in terror. When the lights come back on undertaker is in the ring behind me.

Yah we had to make it seem like him and I were never friends.

I drop the mic and spin around with just enough time to dodge his punch. I spin under his arm and perform a neck breaker on him. I then roll out of the ring with my arms out by my sides as to taunt him. My song playing as I back up the ramp watching undertaker climb to his feet. His eyes staring me down fiercely. Once I reach the top of the ramp I raise my arms up high. I then head to the back as the commercial hit.

Mia was no where to be found and was no where in sight. I could take a calming deep breath as I finished packing my stuff. I zip up my bag and walk towards the locker room door. Glen wasn't around either. In the story line now it's just them two. And I know this is going to bite me in the butt. Now to head to SmackDown.

As I unlock my bus I can hear Alberto yelling in Spanish. I couldn't help but chuckle a little. He sound so funny wining in Spanish. I open the bus door and pick my bags up. I climb the four steps that allow me in and then I drop my bags in the living room. I drop onto the couch exhausted.

" Hey are you alive?" I hear mark say.

My eyes open fast seeing him dressed in normal clothes. I sit up rubbing my eyes and then I yawn.

" Huh?" I mumble.

He laughs.

" You've been asleep since the show ended. Why don't you eat something." He says to me.

When did he get onto my bus? And since when am I allowing others to share a bus with me.

" Are we at least on the road away from that slut?" I ask him.

He chuckles and nods. Then he hands me my cell.

" Call Denny by the way. He misses you." Mark says. He then gets up to get food as I start to call Denny. Our phone call lasts for about thirty minutes. Denny was planing on coming to SmackDown to see me in action. And I'm going to his race this weekend. My life seems to be falling into place. All I need to do now is ride along with it.

Authors note: chapter complete! Vote and comment! Now to go write an essay for school.

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