Undertaker and kane

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"That can't be fair." I protest as I place my cup down on the fake wooden table.

Kayla, Mark and I had decided to go out for breakfast before the show tonight.

"Hunter can't just take away your wrestlemania privileges like that." I say.

Kayla looks at me and breaths out calmly. She had devoured her breakfast only moments after it had arrived at the table.

"I'm not that worried about it." She says back to me with almost a full mouth of food.

Mark puts his coffee cup down and looks at us, almost laughing at her childish ways.

" It sucks dealing with them, doesn't it? Even I'm sick of this shit. I'm tempted to look for a contract on TNA just to get away from this crap." He says.

I nod and then take a bite out of my bagel. It's odd how for once in a life time, we all were being left alone. The people here seemed normal. They were just sitting amongst themselves, talking and eating.

"Hunter and Stephanie have ruined the company. Even I'm starting to get sick of this. I go from dealing with Bray Wyatt to now dealing with both him and his boys to also dealing with Rollins..." I say.

Mark shrugs and picks up the check.

"I'm in on that one. Anyways how's that story line going? I know I've been dead now for a few weeks and I've been pretty busy at home with the baby. Haven't payed much attention to the show..." Mark admits.

I see the little smile on his face as I chuckle.

"Just wonderful.... Glad your back now... Now I can get this damn thing over with." I say.

Mark laughs and leans back in his chair. Kayla though was sitting in silence. Just thinking it seemed like. With our big match happening now in two days... There is a lot of shit on both her and my mind. Like why is Mia in any of this nonsense? She shouldn't even be around after being in a coma for so long.... That girl has it coming.....god I can still feel the pain from her attack.
Mark looks at me and let's out a slight sigh before he looks at the check.

"What?" I ask him.

"It's not going to go the way you want I hope you know." He says.

I look at him curiously as Kayla now is sending a tweet out.

"Bray still has control over me if you don't remember." Mark brings up.

I let out a small sigh and then get up as mark stands and puts on his leather jacket. He lays the money down on the table and looks at Kayla and I.

" So now what?" He asks.

"Welcome to Smackdown!"

"Last monday we saw Mia go against Kayla in an brutal match. Mia looked like she had control but kayla came back and got the win."

They talk about on the tv as kayla and I get comfortable in the "interview" area, where drama is going to pick up with us and Mia. As Kayla gets into place, I stand beside her as the camera guys count us down and then give us the thumbs up.

"After Monday, I hope she gets the hint that no way in hell is she going to win the title. Plus it will not just be me who will be beating your ass--"

Kayla stops in dead sentence as Mia stands on the other side (stage left) from both of us. She grabs the microphone out of Rosa's hand and begins to speak.

"Oh really now Kayla. You think I can't handle a small beating from a few NXT girls along with you?"

She says in a calm tone as she looks at Kayla.
I step forward having enough of the non-sense and take the mic out of her hand which instantly sets her off.

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