The return

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"Dakota your going to go up against Eva tonight since Cameron was injured on raw a few nights ago." Mark says to me.
I shift myself uneasily in the chair hating being around mark.
" sounds easy enough." I say to him with confidence.
Mark grins and then puts the shows script in front of me. I glance at the first page seeing how it's normal like usual. Show opening, a guys match, some moments where they just talk. Normal.
" ok and as far as I know Seth is not here tonight." Mark says.
I flip the page in the booklet.
" alright good." I say while scanning the script.
As I flip to the next page I see the match that Cameron was supposed to be in. It comes after the USOs match.
" gives me enough time to memorize what needs to happen." I say as I get up.
Mark nods and then opens the door for me.
" Good luck out there tonight." He says to me.
As I'm walking down the hallway I get a slight glimpse of Kane in a corner. Kane in a dark corner is a really bad thing no matter if we are live or not. I fold the packet and put it in my back pocket as I walk towards the dark unlit area where Kane is.
As I walk by him ignoring him I start to hear foot steps behind me. I stop in my tracks and then turn around seeing nothing. Then I begin to walk again hearing a soft set of foot steps. As I get to where the hallway splits another figure steps out from the shadows. The grin on his face following his blond and black hair gives him away. And the laugh....
" Rollins..." I say in a venomous tone.
He grins as I turn around fast. I catch a glimpse of Paige down the hallway and yell her name just before Kane nails me across the side of my face. I stumble backwards feeling my jaw burning in pain. Kane spins me around and the last thing I know Seth has me in his grip and curb stomps me to the hard ground.

" Dakota!" I hear as I open my eyes slowly letting light in.
Paige is knelt beside me along with a few medics.
" How long have I been out..." I ask feeling my jaw in pain.
Paige looks at me then at the medic.
" about an hour. Vince is going to want to know who attacked you. It was unscripted and off air as far as we know." She says to me.
I groan and then sit up rubbing my jaw.
" Seth Rollins.... I'm going to kill him." I mumble.
As I sit up Paige stays by my side. Everything ways blurry for the first few moments. I push myself to my feet hearing the USOs theme hit. And that's when it hits me.
" Iv got to go get ready!" I say hurrying towards the locker room.
I rush into the locker room running straight into Natalia.
" what's the rush?" She asks me laughing.
I shrug and then grab my attire.
" I have five minutes to be ready for my match." I say before I close the door to the bathroom.
I zip my leather jacket up as I rush to the gorilla hearing the USOs theme playing. They had won their match.
" Your just in time Dakota." Eva says as I catch my breath.
" it's already been a long day...." I say to her.
As Jimmy and Jay come walking through the gorilla their song cuts moments later. Eva readies herself as I high five Jimmy.
Eva's song hits and she walks out. I lean against the wall calming my mind. But as I start to focus I catch a glimpse of someone familiar. It kinda looked like Kayla.....
" Dakota?." The crew guy says.
I ignore him and turn my head so I can see down the dark hallway.
" Dakota your up." He says.
I shake my head pulling myself out of my thoughts. That's when I start walking forward and toss my belt across my right shoulder. As I walk through the curtain and out into the arena people start to cheer. The atmosphere out here was always amazing. So much energy.
I walk down the ramp high fiveing people. As I make it to the ring that's when I climb up onto the apron and do a split. I roll under the bottom rope and then stand myself up. After standing on the ropes holding my arms up the ref signals for the bell to ring. Eva and I lock up in the center of the ring. She throws a good right hand and I back up feeling the pain from the attack earlier that night. Glaring at her, I rub my jaw. Then I run at her and spear her to the mat. As she lays flat on her back I walk over to her and stomp on her right arm. Then her left. And soon enough both legs. Eva was in pain, it was pretty obvious taken it she hasn't been in action for awhile. I lean on the ropes waiting for her to pick herself up. The crowd was cheering her name loudly as if to help her push forward. That's when I grin and back flip kick her. That sends her backwards into the ropes. Spinning around I round house kick her.
*Ten minutes into the match*
After about ten minutes I had had enough of this match. Eva has had her moments but I had most of the control. Irish whipping her into the ropes allows me to set up for an RKO. And that's exactly what I do. As she comes running back I RKO her and then roll onto my back to catch my breath. As I climb to my feet I watch as Eva is trying to pull herself up. She was shaking and weak.
I back off slightly to let her catch her breath. She was leaning on the top rope almost gasping for air. As I taunt her I catch the slightest glimpse of Seth roaming through the crowd.
" This has to end now..." I mumble.
I set myself up to spear her one last time. As I sit in the corner waiting Seth jumps over the barrier.
" What is Seth doing here? He's supposed to be on a tour." Michael cole says.
Eva turns around seeing me. I grab hold of the rope and ready myself. But as I launch myself something knocks Eva to the ground. The bell rings calling a disqualification on me because Eva was attacked.
Growing frustrated I walk over to the girl who's beating up Eva. I grab hold of her hair and pull her off of Eva. As I spin her around my eyes widen and I let go of her.
" Kianna...." I say.
She grins and throws a punch but I avoid it and kick her in the face. Before she can recover I roll out of the ring. As I stare into the ring I see carnage. Eva was knocked out and Kianna was kneeling with a hand on her jaw. Her eyes staring me down. Then I turn my attention to Seth who is now clapping at my actions out of approval.
" Kianna has returned!"
" This is a shock to the world!"
Kianna stands up while still staring at me as I back up the ramp holding the divas title. I couldn't help but smirk taking it I did beat her best friend at Wrestilmania. And hell was it worth it.
As I lay my title down on the bench I hear the locker room door open. And the mumbles of Eva are very obvious.
" you that hurt of her attacking you?" I say cocky.
Eva gives a little go F yourself grin. Then she goes into the showers. I just laugh knowing it made my night. Throwing everything into my duffle bag I head for the garage area to get into my car. Paige had already headed to the hotel room since she had no match tonight.
As I slip the key into the ignition I feel my phone buzz. Pulling it out of the cup holder I see Destiny's name on the screen.
" Hello?" I say in a tired tone.
" Dakota...." Destiny says.
" what's wrong Des?" I ask her.
" Steve's had a heart attack...." She says choking up.
My eyes shift from the dash to the windshield.
" What? Is he ok!?" I ask terrified.
All I hear is a shallow sigh.
" He's in critical condition. Pops is with him as well as Derek. I'll call you back with further news alright...?" She says to me.
I let out a long breath.
" Destiny please tell me he's going to be ok..." I say.
The phone clicks leaving only silence and the hum of my Camaro which was tuned by Steve...
As I pull into the parking lot of the hotel my phone rings again.
" hello" I say in an upset tone.
" He's gone...."

Authors note:
Sorry for not posting's hit a big speed bump....I just wish to say only a few of the many words that I want to and comment...
Steve was an amazing man. Yes he had his moments in time but everyone loved him. Even through the hardest of times like the mustang when I broke the master cylinder for the clutch. We worked through it. Chris and I worked our asses off to fix it and make it right. But Chris and I would not be where we are today without our dearest friend, Steven Varney. Every mechanic, every car part place, any one who owned a muscle car, they know his name. The Varney name is legendary here. Just like the Schumacher name is famous in the NHRA. Tony Schumacher as well as Ron Capps agreed to run with Steve's ashes in their parachutes. Steve was even well known to the drivers of the NHRA. John force was good friends with him as well as the Schumacher family. But today where I stand. Walking into SV Engineering, not hearing the music blaring in the garage. It kills me. To see the Shelby mustang sitting untouched in the second bay. And Steve's olds in the bay with the dyno..... This tragedy is something I never expected to have to face.... The fact that my boss, Steve, was only 49 and at the too of his game... There will never be anyone like Steven Varney. He was a great man, an amazing mechanic, and the best teacher I could ever meet. As he's always said to me " Never get used to anything. Just adapt and learn." Now here I am going from muscle cars to the Boston duck boats.... Rest in peace Steve... We ALL miss you. Cory, Chris, me, Ashley, Kevin, Derek, pops, Chris, Chris Carr, TJ, Danny,Amanda. The list just keeps going.
The picture is of the shop the day after Steve passed away.... :,(

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