The Missing

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" How could you do that Dakota!" Denny shouts at me.
I give him a look and then walk by him.
" I had a reason to Hamlin. You mess with a diva, you get your ass kicked." I say to him. He gets frustrated and walks out of the motor coach.
Vince did not fire me. Thank god. But I feel bad for the guys. He put them into an extreme rules match this Sunday against Brock Lesnar and Mark Henry. As for me... They made our match a hell in a cell match. Something that's impossible to win at.
I sigh as Mike Helton knocks on the door of the coach. I was kinda scared and Denny had left me here alone to deal with him.
" Dakota open up." He says.
I get up and head for the door. I reach my shaky hand out to open it.
He walks in and sits down. After disciplining me he gets up. By this point.
" I should get you arrested for what you have done." He says.
" All I did was prove a point!" I shout.
Mike gets up frustrated and then walks out on me. I sigh and sink into the couch. I open my phone and call Steve up.
" Hello?" Steve says.
I take a deep breath holding back tears.
" it's Dakota. Steve. I want to come back." I say almost on tears.
" I'll book a flight for you."he says.
" Thank you so much." I say.
I hang up and delete all my messages. I then leave my phone on the table as I leave.
I climb out of my car after being second fastest in practice. After a few interviews I walk into the garage and watch my boys make adjustments. Joey comes over and leans against Marcos Ambrose's car.
" so where's the betrayer?" He asks me.
I give him a look and then out my gloves on my seat.
" She was in my coach the last time I saw her. I just haven't been able to find the words yet to talk to her." I say to Joey.
Joey rolls his eyes.
" Get rid of her. She fractured Kasey's skull Denny!" He says.
I sigh and grip tightly on the window of my car.
" just shut up." I say to Joey.
" Excuse me?" Joey says. He gets up straightening himself out.
" Enough. She's my girl friend." I say defending her.
" You want to fight Hamlin? She fucken injured a friend and your defending her?!" Joey shouts.
I straighten out and walk closer to him. As we match up he only slightly is taller then me. But I don't care.
" Enough Joey." I say.
He grows even more pissed off and shoves me back. I hit my back on my car. The pain angers me and I look at Joey with an angry look.
" Now your going to get it!" I shout.
I set up to throw a punch but I hear my name from behind me. It was Kyle Busch.
" Stop acting like my brother and I, you two idiots!" Kyle shouts as he walks in between us.
He pushes Joey back into Marcos's car and pushes me back towards my car.
" Knock it off unless you want coach to settle it." Kyle says referring to Joe Gibbs.
I sigh and head towards my coach. As I almost get to it Joey yells my name and runs up to me.
" I'm sorry Denny." He says.
I sigh and roll my eyes.
" It's fine Logano." I say.
We head for my coach. The walk felt like forever by the time I got there. I climb up onto the first step and open the door. The couch is empty as I climb in.
" Dakota?" I say as Joey shuts the door behind me.
I look around but only see her phone on the table. The bedroom was untouched. The bathroom empty. The coach... Silent and vacant.
" Where is she?" Joey asks as I pick up her phone off the table.
" No clue Joey. But now I'm worried." I say while flipping the phone in my hand.
" I'm going to call Kayla to see if she left to go back to work." I say.
I then walk into the bedroom and call Kayla.

As I get off the plane the Massachusetts air hits me hard. Bitter and cold. Yuck. I get into the rental car and head down interstate 93 heading towards route one. After an hour of traffic I finally pull into the parking lot. I get out of the car and trudge through the snow to the door. As I walk in pops is sitting in the office and the boys are in the shop.
" Welcome back Dakota." Pops says trying to make me feel a lot better.
" I missed this place. Thanks for all those race engines by the way." I say.
I then go up into the attic. As I make the turn I see him. Tim is working with the sandblaster. I grin and walk up behind him. I hug him and startle him. As he spins around he sees me.
" Dakota! It's you!" He says excited.
I grin as he shuts the sand blaster off.
we talk for a little bit. He asks if I want to stay over for the night and I agree. After helping out at the shop we head to his house. He heads down stairs to get blankets for me as I settle in. I turn on the tv seeing that they have sent out an amber alert for me. Great.... As I hear the cellar door open I quickly change the tv to the rerun of practice.
" you never change." He says laughing as he walks into the room.
I grin knowing that he has no clue about WWE and me.
" I guess." I say.
He puts blankets on me and then sits down.
" There's your new boy." He says as Denny comes onto the tv for an interview. His voice sounds stressed and worried.
Tim sighs knowing that after we broke up Denny went for me.
" Congrats on the win last week. Night Dakota." Tim says. Then he heads down stairs.
I had paused Denny's interview until he left. Then clicked play.
" the car ran... I... Sigh. I can't do this. I know your watching Dakota. I just want to tell you I'm sorry. The whole track is looking for you. I called Kayla earlier to see if you showed up at the hotel but she had said no. Dakota Orton, please come back. I'm so sorry. For everything." He says. Then he breaks down into tears. My stomach drops. And I fill with guilt. I left with no sign or trace left behind. And to see him not focused... He could get himself killed tomorrow. He needs to focus. I sigh and get up debating if I should call him.
" No." I tell myself.
I'm missing for a reason. Tomorrow I'm going to work at the shop like old times. I don't care if it's Sunday. I'm missing which means no nascar races and no wwe. I don't belong.
I lay myself down and sigh.
" What have I done?" I say to myself as I pass out.
" Your sure she's missing Denny?" Joey asks me.
I lean back into the couch and nod.
" She would never leave her phone. She would tell me where she was going." I say.
Joey sighs.
" She can't be that far Denny. Your rental is still here as well as your jet." He says.
I think it through for a moment.
" why did I leave her alone in that state. I'm an idiot!" I shout.
Joey picks up Dakotas phone and tries to unlock the screen.
" What's her password?" Joey asks.
" 1120" I say to him.
" Our numbers?" Joey asks surprised.
I nod then get up to get some water.
" She deleted her texts but didn't delete her calls." Joey says.
I look up at him with hope in my eyes.
" Who did she last call?" I ask.
" Steve." Joey says.
" Last name?" I ask.
Joey sighs.
"None." He says.
I pace back and forth trying to think.
" I don't know a Steve. And she never told me about a Steve." I say.
" Below his name is Cory, Chris, TJ, Dani, and Tim." Joey says.
My heart stops at the name 'Tim'.
" She can't be." I say out loud.
Joey looks at me.
" what ?" He asks.
I think of the names.
" Tim is her X." I say.
" So?" Joey says as he sits down.
" He lives near Boston Ma." I say.
Joey looks surprised.
" Do you think?" Joey starts to ask.
" Oh I know." I say.
" well we can't just leave we have a race tomorrow Denny." Joey says.
I sigh and go for a walk with him by my side.
When I got back from my walk I noticed that my door was open on the coach. I ran towards it wondering if Joey is ok. As I get there I notice that the inside is a mess.
" Joey?" I yell out.
" Shit." I say.
Then I bolt inside looking for him. Again I find no one and I start to worry. I run to Kyle's coach and bang on the door.
" Kyle!" I shout.
Soon enough the door opens and Kyle stands in front of me rubbing his eyes.
" What Hamlin." He says tired.
" Some one went through my coach while Joey was in it. It's a mess and all Iv found is blood. No Joey." I say.
Kyle rubs his eyes as it sets in.
" come in Denny." He says.
We call the cops and await for them to arrive.

Authors note: sorry if it's short. My cell deleted half of it and I spent five hours on it. Vote and comment.
Yah it's really short.... Ugh well I tried to recreate what I had. Now to finally get up. It's like 2pm now and yes I have not left my bed yet. Time to get up haha.

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